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Rowan felt her body crash against the wall and looked at the boy in front of her. She felt her breath hitch in her throat as he leaned in and kissed her. His hand coming up to cradle her face and his other hand lifting her leg to wrap around his waist. She moved her hands up to his hair pulling on it and smiling when he let out breathy whines.
"I think you're a little bit too into this"
"Shut up Regulus it's not my fault youre too good at this" he hummed as a response going back to kissing her throat. "damn you're attractive"
"don't lie to me Addams" she rolled her eyes
"m' not lying to you Black" a soft grunt was his response. "It's really too bad"
"What's that?" his voice muffled by her skin.
"I mean if we weren't both in love with other people I bet we would've made a good couple" she wasn't trying to convince him to go out with her she was just making an observation. Their families were very elitist and only wanted them to hang out with "their kind".
"you think?" this time she was the one who hummed nodding her head a bit. They both sighed when they heard the front door rattle. In came Walaburga with her set frown and judging eyes. Which softened when she saw who her son was with. She approved of Rowan.
"Regulus if you must do that please do it in youre room. You guys aren't married yet" Ah yes of course his crazy mother already arranged their marriage. Regulus dropped Rowan and they ran up the stairs giggling. They flopped onto his bed with an sigh.
"Can't believe she bought it!" Rowan beamed as she pulled out her phone to text Madison.
"Of course she bought it dummy we were practically having sex in my living room!" She only stuck her tongue out and went back to typing. Once she placed the phone down she looked at him.
"Speaking of sex you need to get laid dude" she shoved him as regulus just turned red.
"You heard me virgin. You need to get dick" Regulus sighed shoving Rowan off his bed. She cursed at him before snatching his phone. "Stop being a dickweed Reggie!"
"Stop calling me Reggie!"
She simply unlocked his phone and went on his Instagram. "Regulus you're boyfriend posted a new picture" she exclaimed in a sing song voice. He snatched the phone and immediately liked the photo. James Potter was a very wealthy man and he was the son of the man who made a very popular hair gel. So he did have a lot of followers.
"damn" he muttered when he realized the picture was him smiling into the picture with a girl who had red hair and was fucking gorgeous. The bio said "the loml" but the girls comment whose name he found out was Lily Evans said "stfu James we're not dating change the bio now".
"Just dm him already loser" she said trying to grab the phone. He pulled it out of reach
"Who the fuck do you think I am a creep! I'm not going to dm James Potter!"
"Don't be a wuss Reggie"
"Don't be an ass rowan!" She stick the middle finger up at him.
"Cmon Regulus please for your fake girlfriend" she pulled out her puppy eyes and pouted.
"You're so annoying" the clicked the dm button and his fingers darted around the keyboard not entirely sure what to type. Rowan being Rowan got bored or staring at Regulus rack up something to say so the yanked the phone out of his hands and typed out something hitting send really quickly. "Rowan what the fuck!" He yanked his phone back to see what she typed

r.a.b: hey are you by any chance single? That last post kinda made it hard to tell

"You have to be kidding me Rowan! This sounds so creepy!" He let out a frustrated sound throwing his phone towards the other side of the room.
"Yes because god forbid you don't sound like a pompous ass!" The both sat in silence till Regulus phone went off. They both ran to answer it and Rowan got there first. "He answered oh my god he answered you!" She shoved his phone into his face as he tried to control his breathing. He looked at the notification like it was about to disappear or to be some huge prank that Rowan and Maddy were playing on him. He clicked on the notification and unlocked his phone.

prongs: ha yeah I am! the last post was just a joke. So what you interested?

"What the fuck do I say Rowan what the fuck!"
"How am I supposed to know!"
"You're the one who dmed him in the first place"
"Yes are you're the one whose going to keep talking to him because I swore I was going to get you dick before we go back to school in the fall. Now talk to him!" Regulus who was now beet red typed out a response and sent it before he ha time to regret it.

r.a.b: oh good I guess you can say I'm a little interested

"Look at you Reggie you're flirting with James Potter!" Regulus scoffed and hid his still ever red face from her. "Hey come lemme see the convo!"

prongs: hmm you're cute if you're profile picture is anything to go by

r.a.b: well the pfp is me so

prongs: holy shit you're adorable

r.a.b: what brought that on?

prongs: just browsed through your page

"I go to the bathroom for a minute and I miss this!" They both bursted out laughing "he said you're adorable Reggie I think you're crush has a crush on you!"

Sorry if this was boring it's what I got as an intro to their characters and don't worry a background like the past and shit will come up pretty soon and no James doesn't know Sirius and Regulus are related

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