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"you're so golden"

The sky was cloudy and dark grey color, the rain was coming down hard. Everything seemed to be quiet and still. It truly was a gloomy morning. When Regulus awoke he felt an eerie chill run up his spine as if he already knew something was wrong. He took in his surroundings and noticed the empty place where James once occupied. A small smile made its way on his face at the memory. The eerie chill forgotten was replaced by the love and warmth that only James could bring him. A content sigh fell from his mouth as he made himself comfortable under the covers yet again. Regulus finally felt at peace with life. He finally felt like things were finally going his way. Oh, how wrong he was.

Once Regulus got done changing he went downstairs for breakfast. He wished he had his phone so he could check up on Holden. Once he made it down to the kitchen he saw his mother sitting at the table staring at her hands.
"That was the last straw Regulus" she stated as she got up and raised her hand striking it down. The slap left a stinging feeling on his cheek and tears quickly gathered in his eyes.
"What?!" He was confused about what was happening he was finally let out of his room to be punished again.
"Where is the scum that was in the basement Regulus Arcturus Black?" He visibly gulped and ran as fast as he could towards the door. "Regulus get back here!" She screamed and he heard the sounds of her footsteps following him. He got out shut the door behind him and kept running. The gate was locked and wouldn't budge. He started to freak out and desperately try to climb it. "Regulus just get down!"
"No!" He screamed as he climbed up.
"Just give up and come down!" The tears were freely streaming down his face as he finally got to the top of the gate. "Are you going to leave me just like your brother and father? You're gonna leave your mother Regulus? I gave you life!" That made Regulus stop and look back at his mother's sad face. He knew it was all an act but he felt bad.
"Stop trying to manipulate me!" is all he said before he dropped down to the other side and took off running again. He heard his mother screams which only fueled him into running faster. He ran all the way to Madison's house banging on the door. He took deep breaths resting his hands on his knees waiting for someone to answer.
"Regulus?" Madison stood there in her pj's clearly just woke up.
"I ran away," he said once he got his breath back. Madison pulled him into a hug and that simple action brought the tears back to Regulus' eyes. She brought him inside quickly and sat him by the kitchen while she got something for him to eat.
"You can use my phone to call Rowan or Sirius if you need Reggie. If not you're welcome to stay here, but you knew that." Regulus smiled and took the phone from her outstretched hand. He dialed Sirius' number and hoped his brother was awake.
"Who are you? It's too early to be talking to strangers."
"Sirius it's me!"
"Did you get a new phone or something"
"This is my friend's phone...I kinda ran away" 
"You did it!"
"Yeah, can you come get me?"
"Yeah, of course, Reggie I just need to tell dad"
"Holden's gonna be so happy"
he hung up to presumably go tell dad. Regulus texted the address to his brother and sat and waiting for Madison to come back.

Madison came back into the room with a plate of pancakes.
"Here ya go! They're chocolate chip your favorite."  Regulus took the plate setting it down on the table in front of him.
"I'm worried." Regulus expressed sighing mostly to himself and he fidgeted with the strand of thread on his shirt.
"It'll be fine Regulus. Sirius and your dad will keep you away from your stupid mother!" Madison exclaimed grabbing onto Regulus' shoulders. Regulus rolled his eyes fondly a soft smile on his face as he removed her hands from his shoulders.
"We can't be sure of that but I hope so" the small smile remained as he finally ate what was in front of him.
Madison forced a cup of water into his hands and forced him to take a drink.
"You don't drink enough water, Reggie! Stop drinking Monster all the time."
Regulus scoffed though the water and raising one of his eyebrows.
"Monster is good for the soul Maddie" Maddie passionately disagreed and went on a long rant about why Regulus needed to stay hydrated.

By the time Orion's car rolled up to Madison's house Regulus was stuffed and had drunk 3 cups of water. Regulus hugged Madison saying goodbye before rushing to the car.
"Regulus!" He saw Holden's head pop out the car window he was waving frantically a huge smile on his face. Regulus returned the gesture with a small wave of his own as he jogged to the car.
"Hey, Holden" Regulus engulfed the tiny boy into a hug his smile widening when he heard  Holden's giggles of delight.

"Reggie, you okay?" Sirius turned back to face him in the front seat.
"Yeah of course. Thanks for picking me up Orion" Orion* let a little laugh at Regulus calling him by his real name, but let it slide.
"Sure Regulus." Was all he said before driving off to their house.

While they were pulling up to the house Regulus saw a person waiting on the front steps. His heart momentarily stopped thinking his mother had found him. The closer they got the more Regulus could make out the fluffy hair and the square glasses that most definitely belonged to James.
"Is that-" he stopped his sentence when he saw his brothers knowing smirk in the mirror.
"Yeah I texted him you were coming and he came running." Regulus chest filled with warmth at how much love he felt in the tiny car he was in. He was at ok terms with his father, his brother actually cared about him and his little brother squished into his side nodding off. As soon he got Holden to wake up he was out of the car running towards James. He wrapped his arms around the taller boy's neck jumping up to wrap his legs around his waist.
"Reg I saw you yesterday! You miss me that much?" James joked placing small kisses to Regulus' cheek ignoring the fake gagging coming from the rest of Regulus' family.
"I did"

*I do not condone forgiving Orion I just felt like throwing him in there lmaoooo
I feel like this is coming to a close might do a sad ending how knows
If I do a sad ending might make a book 2 if it's a happy ending then this will be the only book
But yeah!

sad boy حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن