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Lance POV

I woke up to the sound of growling vibrating around me. I rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes and looked around. Keith's hands were still covering me completely.

"Let go of my son, you monster!" Someone shouted.

"Mama?" I mumbled to myself.

When the realization hit me, I shouted at Keith to let me go. He immediately stopped growling and opened his hands to look at me. Keith innocently tilted his head at me.

"Let me talk to Mama." I frowned at him.

Keith's lowered his ears against his head. He flattened his hands and brought me back to the ground. Mama and Papa were there, staring at Keith in fear.

I stepped off of his hands, and guiltily walked over them. Once I got close enough, Mama grabbed my arm and ran away. When we were far enough, I stopped running, and Mama and Papa looked confused.

"¡¿Qué estás haciendo?! ¡Tenemos que irnos!" Mama shouted.

"Mama, let me explain," I begged.

She frowned at me while Papa came closer. I took a breath of fresh air to explain everything.

After I explained, they gave me a look of shock. I nervously rubbed the back of my neck.

"Never go back to that MONSTER again!" Mama commanded.

"M-Mama..." I breathed.

"You could have been killed, Lance! Do you not understand?! ¡Podrías haberte matado!" Papa yelled.

"Please, I can't just leave him! ¡Me encanta!" I cried.

They both gasped at what I said, and they started screaming at me. Keith's footsteps were shaking the ground beneath us. Mama and Papa stopped screaming at me and froze when Keith came into view.

Keith quickly grabbed me and brought me close to his face. His ears were still flat against his head.

"It's okay, Mullet. They aren't going to hurt me." I giggled.

He whimpered in response and nuzzled me.

"Yes, I'm positive they won't kill me," I reassured.

Keith sighed and placed me back on the ground as he sat down. I giggled at him while I walked over to my parents. They were both equally shocked about, well... everything.

"W-What just happened?" Papa stammered.

"Keith was worried if you were going to hurt me since he heard you yelling at me." I shrugged.

Mama and Papa blinked at me and looked up at Keith. They both gave me a timid expression.

"¿Es seguro? Will, te lastimó?" Mama asked.

"Si mamá." I nodded.

"Se le permite verlo, PERO si pasa algo, ¡vuelve directamente a casa!" Papa demanded.

"De acuerdo, papá." I rolled my eyes with a smirk.

I turned around to face Keith. His head was tilted in confusion, which made me giggle at him. He reached his hand out for me.

"No!" Mama blurted out.

Keith flinched at her voice and whimpered. I spread my arms out like I was going to hug him. A smile appeared on his face, baring his teeth at me.

Papa yelped when he saw Keith's teeth, but the giant didn't react to him. He carefully grabbed me and nuzzled me again. I hugged his nose as I giggled at him.

I heard Keith's tail wagging and hitting the trees and bushes behind him. He began purring loudly as he pressed me against his cheek.

"Lance, we need to get home to discuss this more," Papa stated.

"Noooo!" Keith whined as he turned away from my parents.

"I swear you will be the death of me." I groaned.

"I would never hurt you." Keith frowned.

"Nevermind that, but I have to go. I promise I'll be back tomorrow." I explained.

He nodded at me and turned back to my parents. He placed his hands on the ground, allowing me to walk off. When I did, my parents and I walked away. Keith slowly followed after us, which made my parents anxious.

When we all got into the car, Mama started the engine, but the car didn't move. I rolled down my window and peeked out. I was met with glowing yellow eyes staring back at me. Keith was holding onto the back of the car to prevent us from driving away.

I got off of the car and walked over to Keith. He smiled at me and let go of the vehicle. Keith immediately grabbed me and kissed me. I turned red when he pulled me away.

"I wanted to make sure you knew I meant it earlier," Keith explained.

"O-oh, okay, well."

I kissed Keith's thumb because it was the only thing I could reach. More blush spread across my face as I did that.

Keith gave me a dorky smile as he placed me on the ground. I turned around and walked back into the car.

Papa moved the front car mirror showing me his face. A knowing smirk was on his face.

"So when did this happen?" Papa couldn't contain his grin.

"Daaaad," I whined.

Mama and Papa both burst out laughing as they began to drive home. My face was red from embarrassment and flustered from kissing. I knew I couldn't wait till I see Keith tomorrow.

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