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Lance POV

I follow the sounds of well... every loud noise imaginable. I see Keith struggling against the rope holding him down. The people are shooting tranquilizer darts at him.

"STOP! DON'T HURT HIM!" I scream as I run up to Keith.

His eyes had a faint glow, and his ears were droopy.

"Laaaaance!" Keith cheered.

The giant purple tail started wagging and crashing everything behind him.

"Get that kid out of here!" One of the FBI soldiers shouted.

A group of feds surrounded me, and Keith growled at them. It wasn't like a typical growl. It was soul-piercing. Keith broke free from all of the rope and shoved everyone with one swipe with his arm.

Cars fell over, and so did the people. Keith then picked me up, and his face instantly relaxed.

"Lance!" Keith cheered again.

Keith then started to lick me and covered me with slobber.

"Keith! Stop! You're in danger." I shouted.

Keith sat on his butt, causing the ground to shake.

"Nooo, I'm not." Keith slurred.

Then he rubbed me on his face and his ears. He would continuously growl or slam his foot on the ground to mess with the FBI soldiers.

Keith got up and walked away from all of the cars and soldiers. They couldn't really follow us because Keith smashed all of their vehicles.

"Your so tiny I could eat you whole!" Keith gushed.

I began to panic. What if Keith actually tries to eat me! He's not really himself right now.

Keith sensed that I was panicking.

"I didn't mean it! I'm sorry!" Keith apologized.

Keith POV

I fucked up! I can't believe I said that!

Lance hadn't said anything. Is he okay? I gently poke him to make sure he's okay.

He flinched and yelped when I touched him. My ears go against my head, and my tail lowers. I kneel down and place him on the ground.

"Keith, don't go your not thinking straight!" Lance cried. (A/N: When has he ever)

"But, I scared you..." I sighed.

"Yes, but I know that you would never hurt me! Even if every bone in my body is screaming at me, I know it is not true!" Lance asserted.''

I sat down, cross my legs, and I look away from Lance. My ears perk up, and I hear grass shuffling and guns cocking. I growl in frustration and slam my tail on the ground.

"K-Keith?" Lance stammered.

I feel several tiny darts shoot my back, and I yelp in pain. I turn around to look at where it came from. Before I could get a good look, everything became dark.

Lance POV

Keith fell on his stomach, and a bunch of soldiers jumped out from the bushes. I quickly run over to Keith's face to wake him up.

"Keith! Please wake up!" I cry.

His eyes slowly flutter open.

"Laaance!" Keith giggled and reached his hand out to me.

He gently grabbed me and brought me to his chest to snuggle. A bunch of soldiers yell and run over to get me out of Keith's grasp.

Keith passed out again and still holding on to me close to his chest. I could feel his heartbeat and breathing.

Around ten soldiers tried to pull Keith's fingers to release me. Since his fingers were as big as them, it was impossible.

"Kid, we are going to get you out of there." One of the FBI soldiers said.

"Please don't hurt him!" I shout.

"We have to follow orders." He said.

"But Keith wouldn't hurt a fly!" I cry.

"Sorry, kid, but orders are orders." He replied as he ran off to do something.

I started to sob, and I rub my face on his finger. Keith began to purr, and I began to calm down. The authorities ignored his purrs and kept doing what they were doing.

A few more officers ran over and tried to get me out. Keith's grip loosened, and I was almost free, but Keith started growling, and his claws came out.

The officers stopped, and Keith relaxed his face again.

"Sir, it seems the kid's presence is keeping the giant nonviolent." One of the feds said in the intercoms.

The officers stopped getting me out and ran off to do other things. I sighed and realized that Keith will probably be experimented on for the rest of his life.

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