Visiting the Giant

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Lance POV

I was the first to wake up besides the fact that Pidge was awake all night researching. I couldn't get the big yellow glowing eyes out of my head.

"Morning Pidge." I yawned.

"I couldn't find anything specific, but I observed what it did to you. First off, the giant sniffed you so he could find you again." Pidge began.

"Great, now that giant could track me," I grumbled.

"Second, I think he licked you to calm you down for some reason." Pidge continued.

"I guess that worked." I shrugged.

"But I don't know if we should go back or not." Pidge pondered.

"There is no way in HELL that I am going back!" I yelled.

"Lance, we need to learn more about whatever that is," Pidge argued.

"I would prefer to live unlike you, so no way." I retorted.

"What if we skip school to find the giant." Pidge sighed.

"YES!" I cheered.

Hunk walked in already dress for school. "What's going on?" Hunk asked.

"We are going to skip school to see the giant," Pidge said as she pinched her nose.

"I'm not going." Hunk stated as he walked to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

"Fine," Pidge said.

I walked over to Pidge's room to get my clothes and change. When I finished, I walk back to the kitchen to see what Hunk was making.

"Pancakes!" I shouted.

"No shit," Pidge quipped.

"Language." Hunk interjected.

Pidge rolled her eyes and got up to grab some pancakes.

(Time skip cause I'm lazy)

Pidge packed her backpack with her computer, some notebooks, and a lot of pencils. I brought my phone, and Hunk brought snacks. I don't know how Pidge convinced Hunk to come with us.

We finally made it to where the giant was before, but he was not there. Pidge took out a camera to record the giant.

I was quickly lifted up in the air by a giant hand from behind me. I screamed a manly scream, by the way.

Keith POV

The smell of the bean hit my nose, and I saw them again. I grabbed my favorite bean, and it screamed. I nuzzled my nose into the bean's stomach, and the bean giggled.

I still needed to mark this bean, so he is mine, but I don't want to hurt it. I pull the bean away to look at it again.

I bring the bean to my mouth. I'm going to give it a poke with my fang. It will hurt it, but it won't be that bad.

I gently stab the bean's arm, and it starts screaming immediately. I lower my ears and place it on the ground. I look up at the other beans for help. The bean ran over to them, and they immediately take out some white stuff.

Pidge POV

I put down my camera to help Lance.

"Lance, this is only going to hurt for a second," I said.

I pull out some antibiotics to treat the wound. I quickly dab it onto Lance's arm, and he yelps in pain. Hunk is covering his eyes to not see the blood.

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