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Keith POV

"K-Keith, I think I'm going to pass ou-"

Lance falls limp on top of my head, and I start to panic. I gently pick him, and I poke him to make sure he's conscious.

He's not moving! Why is he not moving?! What do I do?!

"Lance, please wake up," I whisper.

I look around me, and the beans haven't noticed that Lance has passed out. They keep cheering that I am free, but I need to help Lance.

I gently place him on the ground and hope that someone will help. I whimper to call someone for help. A few people ran over to Lance to see if he was okay.

"I think he passed out from lack of oxygen." One of the beans said.

I tilt my head and lightly press my finger on his chest. I got a few chuckled from that.

"No, he needs some oxygen now!" The bean shouted.

A few other beans used a small device to call 911; I think that's what it's called.

Cars with loud sirens made me panic as they drove closer. I wanted to run, but I need to stay with Lance.

The beans in different uniforms lifted Lance onto a bed with wheels and loaded him in the back of their loud car.

The car started going, but I grabbed onto the back of it and whimpered. My ears flattened against my head.

"Someone get the giant to let go of the truck!" The beans shouted through a loudspeaker.

I reluctantly let go, and they drove off. I slowly followed after the truck since the beans might shock me, but I need to be with Lance.

They finally made it to the hospital and brought him inside. Some time pacing in front of the building, I frantically look through all of the windows to find Lance.

I found him on the 5th level. It was the perfect eye level for me to be on my knees.

When some of the nurses and doctors came in, they jumped but quickly got back to work.

The sound of clinking filled the room as I tapped the glass for them to open it.

"We cannot open the window." The beans said.

I frowned and cracked the glass with my claw. The beans kept telling me to stop, but I need to see if Lance was okay.

The glass finally shattered, and the beans panicked. I reached out for Lance, but one of the beans spread his arms to block me from touching him.

"If you take Lance, you would only make his condition worse." One of the bean's said.

I retracted my hand back, and my ears lowered.

"Keith..?" Lance mumbled.

My ears shot up, and I smiled. I purred in response to let Lance know I am here.

"Fuck, this headache is killing me," Lance grunted.

"That is a side effect from high altitude sickness. A headache is only one out of many." The bean informed.

"Like what?!" Lance yelped.

"Symptoms include headache and nausea. If you return to a lower elevation, your symptoms will likely go away without needing treatment." The bean answered.

"So, I'm good?"

"Yes, but you need to rest for a few days at home. Which means that giant cannot carry you." The bean gestured toward me.

I growled, and all the beans flinched.

Lance got up and walked towards me. My face instantly relaxed, and I stopped growling.

"It's going to be okay, mullet." Lance giggled.

Mullet? What's a mullet? I tilted my head in confusion.

"You have a mullet, Keith." Lance pointed.

I rolled my eyes, and I reached my hand out to pick up Lance, but he backed up. Is he scared of me?! My ears flatten on my head.

"I don't want to throw up," Lance explained.

I nodded and huffed, disappointed that I won't be able to cuddle with Lance.

A few nurses escorted Lance out of the room, and I looked through the windows to follow him.

My head was against the ground when I saw Lance again. He giggled at me and waved while everyone else was as far away from me as possible.

When he finally left the building, I pressed my nose against his stomach and purred.

"You really are a cuddly kitty." Lance gushed.

I rolled my eyes and licked him since he didn't like that.

"Gross," Lance grumbled.

I giggled at him but was interrupted by someone calling Lance's name.

"LANCE WHAT HAPPENED!" The female bean shouted.

Lance wiped the slobber on his face and smiled at her.

"Hey Ronnie, don't worry, he's safe," Lance assured.

"I don't care! I'm taking you home!" She shouted.

She stepped forward to Lance, but I growled at her, and she shrieked and ran back to her car.

"Keith, it's okay. She's my sister." Lance chuckled.

Lance began to walk forward, but I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt with my mouth and sat down in a frog position.

"What the hell, Keith?!" Lance shouted.

I smirked and stabbed his shirt into my bottom left fang so I could open my mouth without worrying about dropping him.

"Let go of my brother, you monster!" She screamed.

I growled at her again, but she kept yelling at me, and Lance was wiggling a lot.

An electrifying feeling went through my entire body, and I yelped in pain. I immediately took Lance and placed him on the ground.

Dr. Shiro stood next to the female bean with the red buttoned device in his hand. I whimpered in fear. I'll never escape the pain.

Lance POV

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" I shouted.

"He is causing a commotion, and he was going to hurt you, accident or not." Dr. Shiro explained.

"Keith is stubborn as fuck, but he would never want to hurt me!" I indicated.

I glanced back at Keith's frightened expression and looked back at Shiro.

"Look at him! Don't you see what you're doing to him! You're hurting him, scaring him!" I cried.

"He is a threat that could destroy this entire city. If we didn't have this, then we would be dead." Shiro glared.

"Your wrong! If you actually got to know him-!"

"That doesn't matter if we 'got to know him.' He is still dangerous." Shiro protested.

Tears started to burst out of my eyes, and Veronica cautiously put her hands on my shoulders.

"Lance, it's for the best for everyone if we have some defense against him," Veronica advised.

I walked to Keith and put my hand on his nose. He flinched at first but then leaned into it.

"Keith, I need you to promise me that you will never hurt anyone," I muttered.

"I promise, Lance," Keith responded.

I looked back at Shiro, hoping for a face of approval, but I didn't get one. Keith got up and ran off, leaving me with Veronica and Shiro.

Veronica signaled me to get in the car, and I complied.

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