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Lance POV

We all ran to Atlea cafe to grab a drink and calm down. It is our favorite cafe, but it was closing soon due to bankruptcy. I ordered an iced coconut mocha macchiato. We all took a seat.

It was silent for a while because we were still processing what had just happened.

"What do we do..." I asked.

"I-I don't know," Pidge replied.

"He was purring, and then the next moment, he's growling at Pidge," I mumbled.

"Maybe we shouldn't go back." Hunk suggested.

"I agree," Pidge said.

"Me... too." I stammered.


Once I open the door, I hear my mama yell.

"Niño, where were you?!" My mama gave me a bear hug.

"C-can't... b-breath," I said.

Mama released me, and she looked at my face to see any injuries.

"I forgot today was a school day, so I hung out with Pidge and Hunk." I lied.

"Lance, you are grounded for a week!" Mama shouted.

I nodded and walked to my room, and flopped on my bed. I screamed in my pillow in frustration. I eventually fall asleep since apparently hanging around a giant is exhausting.


I wake up to the sound of tapping on my window. I look at my phone and see its 2:00 am. I sigh and walk to see what was making that tapping.

I jumped when I saw a giant claw tapping on my window. Then a giant glowing eye looked through. I walked closer to my window and reluctantly open it.

"Lance, I'm sorry for scaring you beans, but I have to unmark you since you hate me now," Keith whispered.

"Wait, back it up-"

Keith moved back a little bit.

"I didn't mean literally."

Keith huffed, and he moved closer.

"But you can talk?" I asked.

"Yeah, I kinda forgot to talk," Keith answered.

"How- whatever, but you marked me?" I questioned.

"Yup, when I bit you, that marked you as mine, so if other creatures come by you, they know not to mess with you since your my property," Keith explained.

I blushed a little, and I rubbed the back of my neck. "T-thank you." I stuttered.

"But I never hated you, Keith," I added.

"B-but you and the other beans ran away, crying and screaming," Keith mentioned.

"Because you were about to kill Pidge," I remarked.

Keith's ears flattened against his head. "I'm sorry. That flash of light reminded me of other beans shooting me with their guns."

I covered my mouth and started tearing up. "I-I'm so s-sorry..." I sobbed.

"No, no, don't cry. The beans won't hurt you." Keith stated.

"That's not why I'm c-crying." I sniffled.

Keith tilted his head, which is adorable, by the way.

"W-we just ran away f-from you, and you get h-hurt by humans, a-and you are just a giant cuddly k-kitten and not an m-monster." I wept.

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