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Lance POV

I thought it would be best to bring my siblings first because my parents are strict and freak out.

Veronica, Rachel, Marco, Silvio, and Nadia were the only ones who weren't busy today, so I decided only to bring them.

After a while of walking, Silvio and Nadia were complaining about how their legs were tired.

"We are almost there. I promise it will be worth it." I assured.

"It better be." Rachel sassed.

"Oh, it will," I smirked.

We finally made it to Keith, but we stood behind a few trees while Keith watched.

Marco screamed and jumped into Veronica's arms.

Keith laid on his stomach and rested his head on his hands.

"KITTY!!!" Silvio and Nadia cheered as they ran over to Keith's face.

I giggled and followed them, and the kids were petting Keith. He was purring loudly, and Silvio and Nadia gushed at it.

I rest my elbow on the side of Keith's head.

"See, he does whatever I tell him too," I smirked at Rachel, Marco, and Veronica.

Keith moved his head, making me fall on the ground.

"Hey!" I shouted.

Keith giggled at me. I rolled my eyes and get up and walk over to the others.

"Come on, please don't be scared of him," I beg.

Keith interrupts me with a yelp, and my arm glows a little. I turn around, Silvio and Nadia were not there.

"Keith, what happened?!" I shout."

Keith picked Nadia out of his mullet, and she ran back in and pulled his hair to climb it, making him yelp again. He didn't want to do anything that would harm the kids.

He whimpered to call me to help him get Silvio and Nadia out of his hair literally. I walked over, and Silvio poked his head out on top of Keith's head.

Keith reached to pick up the kid, but he climbed back in, and he growled in frustration. I chuckled and told them to come out.

"Silvio! Nadia! Get out of there! He is not a jungle gym!" I shout.

"But Laaaaaaaaance!" Nadia whined but still followed directions.

The kids sadly climbed out of his hair and walked over to me.

Keith then directed his focus to the other ones. Marco screamed again, Rachel stared at Keith with marvel, and Veronica was worried.

"I haven't actually introduced anyone, so ima do that now!" I exclaimed.

I pointed at them and said their names because I wanted to get it over with.

Keith POV

When Lance finished talking, I snatched him and licked the back of his head. He fussed, and I reluctantly let him go.

"Gross! Why do you keep licking me!" Lance complained.

I gave him a smile and hung my tongue out tauntingly. He rolled his eyes at me and walked over to his siblings.

"See, he's just like the BFG, except he's fluffy!" Lance exclaimed.

I tilted my head, and Rachel, Silvio, and Nadia awed at me. Lance continued convincing them that I was good, but I was getting bored.

My tail reached over to them and tapped Marco's head with the tip of my tail, and he screamed. Everyone laughed, except Veronica.

She wasn't going to be convinced unless I do something to prove it. Since the last time I saw Veronica, I growled at her and hung Lance from my mouth.

"th- Earth to Keith?" Lance waved his hand in front of my eye.

I flinched and came back to reality.

"You okay, buddy?" Lance asked.

"Yeah, I was just thinking." I smiled.

I noticed Lance's siblings were there, and they were a lot closer than before.

"He can talk?!" Veronica gasped.

"Ya, he can talk." Lance mocked.

Rachel groaned as she handed Marco a small green paper. Marco happily shoved it in his pocket.

Silvio and Nadia were laughing at Lance and Veronica. Lance and Veronica had an argument about my speaking abilities.

Now I'm really bored, like really bored. I'm hungry. I got up and began my search for some food.

"Where are you going?!" Lance shouted because he thinks I can't hear him from up here.

"I'm just going to get some food," I explained.

I started walking again, but I felt something jump onto my shoe. I look down, and the two kids are on my boots. I stop moving and look at Lance for help.

He called them over, and they jumped off and ran to him. I continued walking to find my next meal.

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