I need a recognition please (6)

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Arthur's POV

I am carrying my unconscious friend out the door with Vivi in front. "can I please drive this time? you have driven this whole time I think you need a break." she turns around not really expecting that question. "sure. you think your arm is up for it?"

I look at my arm then back at her. "yeah, I think I can handle it." she then turns so me with a smirk then starts sprinting shouting, "SHOUTGUN!!" (if you are unfamiliar with the term shout gun other then it being a gun it means "calling for the front seat" I do it all the time with my grandparents.)

I simply let out a little laugh and continue to walk to the van. I then reach the back and jump in to place Lewis on the mattress behind the back seat. Mystery comes up beside me and I say, "can you watch Lewis for me? thanks"

he just goes up to Lewis and lays there. I hop out of the back and into the drivers seat. I put the keys into the ignition and turn them. the car starts and we begin on our way. ready for the long ride home.


Its been about an hour and I have been laying next to Lewis for awhile. *wonder what happened to him to lose him memory* I think to myself. I then turn to Lewis. and to my surprise I see him shaking. I get close to him and he begins to tear up a little.

that's when I got concerned. I started bumping into his arm to try and wake him. he didn't wake... I did it again but with a little more force. still didn't work. I decided to bark *maybe that will work* I barked and that's when he shot right up. 

Vivi tried to look back at us but she couldn't see over the back seats. I see how he is in distress. I lay in his lap. he becomes a little confused as to why I did that. "um..? why are you on me?" I hear him ask.

That's when I hear something coming to us. he looks up to the top of the seats and Vivi jumps right over his head. almost hitting him! "Lewis your awake!!" he looks at her a little confused. his face completely describes the look of the question -do I know you?- 

3rd POV

Vivi then remembers that Lewis doesn't remember her so she just said, " oh yeah- sorry! I'm Vivi!" Arthur then shouts from the front of the van, "and I'm Arthur!" Lewis pops his head over the back seat to see a yellow haired boy in the drivers seat. 

"well it's nice to meet you all! what's this dogs name?" Vivi looks down to Mystery. then back at Lewis. "this is Mystery! he's been with us for a long time." Mystery barks in joy. then Lewis places his hand on Mystery's head and starts to pet him. 

for the rest of the ride everyone kind of took it chill. Vivi went back to her seat and ended up falling asleep. Arthur is still driving (ofc he is). Lewis has his head looking up at the roof of the van thinking about what happened in his dream. and Mystery is just sleeping in the back seat. since he finally gets it all to himself.

Lewis doesn't remember (Mystery Skulls)Where stories live. Discover now