The Death (1)

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3rd Person

A/N: This is my AU so please no mean comments about it. And its my first book so there's that. ty!

When Vivi had heard about a spooky cave she was so eager she leapt from her seat knocking it over. She picked up the chair and put it back. She ran over to the guys and said in an eager tone, " guys!! I got a new case for us to do!" Lewis looked at her with an eager expression. Arthur, not so much. he never felt confident when they had a new adventure. something always went wrong. Vivi began to describe the cave and Lewis became more exited.(if that's possible) Arthur became more nervous. Mystery noticed Arthur's nervousness and laid on Arthur's lap. that seemed to calm him down a bit. out of no where Vivi grabs both of the boys arms and sprints towards the door. Arthur expected it so he was prepared. Lewis had no idea and he was being dragged on the ground.

when they reached the front door she look at the boys and saw Arthur tired and Lewis looking at her with a face of "let go". "Vivi slow down your gonna pull something." she let go and opened the door. as soon as the door was opened she bolted to the van. the guys just walked with mystery by their sides. when they reached the van Lewis said he would drive so Arthur hopped in the back seat. Vivi got in the passenger seat with mystery. as Lewis started the car he looked at Arthur and saw he didn't look so happy. he didn't ask because he knew why. they were on the road. silence was quickly spread through out the whole car.

Vivi chose to break the silence about 10 minutes later by saying, "hey guys I think were almost there." Lewis's face grew a look of exited and Arthur persistently asked if he could stay in the van but he received a death glare by Vivi because he was coming whether he wanted to or not. Lewis spoke and said, "Arthur it will be alright. if you want you can hold onto me." that made Arthur relax a little. "ok.."  is what he said in reply. they arrive about 6 minutes later. they hopped out of the van and Lewis was just opening the door when he felt a grip on his left arm. he looked down to see the nervous Arthur on his arm. he just patted his head and began to walk towards the cave. Vivi said from behind, "hey!! wait for me!"

they got to the entrance if the cave and Lewis looked at Arthur to make sure he was ok. to his surprise he look a little calm since he was clinging to someone he could trust. when they went in the cave split into to parts. Vivi said, "you love birds go that way. me and mystery will go this way." Lewis got a little pink faced while Arthur flushed a slight red shade from that sentence. as the boys went down the left side of the cave. Lewis went in front as Arthur stopped at the entrance of the tunnel. his left arm began to hurt. he had no idea what it was. Lewis had come back to give Arthur the torch. just before he walked back Arthur said to Lewis that he should be carful. as soon as he went back to the ledge he felt a hand on his back. he was about to turn around when he felt force come from where he felt the hand be placed. he soon realized he was being pushed.. down.. to the bottom of the spike pit... Lewis had no idea who or what pushed him. as he was falling for the 10 seconds a spirit was created in the time being while Lewis was falling because a human's death was occurring.

the ghost had turned around to see Arthur standing there.. at the ledge where Lewis was pushed off. his left arm held the front of his face (Arthur has no control over his left arm) so the ghost could not see the possessed part of his face. just as Lewis was about to hit the stalagmite he heard Arthur say very faintly, "Lewis.. I-" it was cut off at the end. then his torso was penetrated by the point in the rock. his head was hit right after. right through his skull. blood spewed on the two stalagmites in his body. Arthur screamed, "LEWIS NO!! what.. have I done..?" Vivi had just come in after the scream. mystery was before her. he saw the green arm and he tore it of and threw it down in the pit before Vivi could see.

A/N: ty for reading. more to come! if there are any grammar mistakes I'm so sorry. computers don't have auto correct. 

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