The search for Lewis (4)

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Vivi POV

Arthur gave me a glance of which was filled to the brim with determination. he wants to find Lewis as much I do. maybe even a little more. I begin to help him back into bed for the night. that's when I heard him say, "thank you for giving  me a right to not give up."

I felt so proud. I stood up and before I knew it I was saluting. he began to laugh. then I put my arm down and giggled a little. 

I walked out of his room to see Mystery in front of the door. I knelt down and said to Mystery, "we will find him bud. believe me. if one of us has faith then we know the whole team will." I speak in a comforting and yet joking voice. he looked at me in reassurance. we walked back to my room to settle down for the night. knowing what we would do the next morning.

(next day ;) )

when I hear my alarm go off I sit up immediately making my self light headed for a second because my head flew up so fast. once I recovered I saw Mystery was up and ready. I get dressed for a new day and to look for our best friend.

I open the door then walk to Arthur's door. I opened it to see him working on his arm. he turns to me in the door way. "good morning, ill make you breakfast. in the mean time do you think you can start packing. it may make this wait to find him a little faster." he nods and I walk out of the door.

Arthur POV

Vivi left the room and I put my new arm. it would take a while for me to adjust, but I did not care. if there is even a chance that Lewis is out there, I will take it. I begin to pack. by the time Vivi calls me down for breakfast I was all done with packing.

I go down the stairs to see Vivi eating. she sees me and gives a gleeful smile. I smile in responses so it did not seem like I didn't care. I was genuinely nervous. like what if we don't find him. or he did see me push him. or he doesn't even remember me.

I was interrupted with the scent of eggs in my face. I sit down and begin to eat. as soon as Vivi is done (which is way before me) she bolts to her room like she was the flash.

just as I am putting my now cleaned plate away Vivi comes out carrying all of her stuff. I offer to help, but she declines. she walks to the door with Mystery by her side. I go and grab my things. she opens the door (some how) and walks to the car. but the closer she got the more of a speed walk she did. I just walked in a steady pace the whole time. she takes my things without me noticing.

she said I am still not fit to drive so she takes the wheel. I hop in the passenger seat with Mystery in my lap.

we think that he would probably be in somewhere not far from where "it" happened. I then ask, "do you even know where your going?" she then gives a slight glance to me and she replies, "I drove you back to our place. do I really look like I have no idea where I going?" I hear temper come in her voice so I just reply with, "n-no? just curious because we were only there once."

if there's one thing you should avoid is getting on Vivi's bad side. she wont give up yelling at you until you confess you were wrong. some points her voice gets so high I think a glass will shatter.

when we drive by the cave we go down the road, looking for the first thing that comes up. we then see a mansion. Vivi parks in front of it. she then says, "whelp lets start here. and Arthur your not backing out of this."

she could tell what I wanted to say before I even said it. "you know me too well." I say in reply. she just turns back to me with a "I win" face. 

                                                                                  Lets begin

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