I am still here (9)

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Thank you thank you thank you! This book got over 150 reads! Thank you all so much! Have a great week! Now we go back to the book wait- hmmMMMmMmMm ill name the ghost..-

Lewis's POV

I wake up on my bed, but my arm is wrapped around something..? I look down and see Mystery peacefully sleeping under my arm. I think it's cute! I sit up and slowly sit up. *okay... now lets try and remember something...* I look over at the night stand. *Lets see... The pink night stand light has been there for.. 2 years? A-and the uhm uhhh the sheets haven't been changed in 2 weeks! Man that's a while..* I look around the room. Memories from my room start coming back to me!

I stand up and walk to the door, letting Mystery sleep. I walk down the stairs and notice one of the rooms is open. As I walk by I notice some yellow walls. Assuming it's Arthur's room, I just walk past it. When i am at the bottom of the stairs I look around and spot a couch. I go to sit on it. Then I some how dose of into another sleep. *was I that tired?*

I open my eyes and see nothing but darkness. I look around till my eyes land on a figure. All i could tell from where i was, was a blob of white and magenta. I walk over to it and the closer i got the more the image came clearer. It was the ghost i had met when i woke up after i died! I-i thought he was gone! "H-hey! Are you okay?" I say as i start to jog over to him. He looks up and sees me. Then he stands up, and i think he wasn't sure what i was doing. I slow down and stop right in front of him, and look up at him. "Uhm yeah.. I okay. What about you?  How did you even get in your mind?" He asked in confusion. "Well last thing i did before i ended up here was sit on the couch and fall asleep again." He then sits down again and walk to his side and join him. "So you went to sleep that fast again? Wow..- Uh hey? Have you remembered anything yet? I know it may be an odd quest-"  "yeah I did actually! When Arthur took me to my room I started to remember things about that room. Like how the sheets haven't been changed in 2 weeks. And the closet door used to be grey."

"Well that's good. And one more question.. you remember how i said I didn't have a name?"  I nod.  "Well... could you possibly..? Give me a name?"  I light up like a flashlight in a dark garage. "Absolutely! Now lets see.. your a skeleton.. in a super cool suit, and your "hair" is magenta, like your tie! Hmmm.. Uhhhh. Oh I know! How about Magenten?"

"Eh not too bad. Best and only name i have heard. Magenten it is then! And hey. Uh, sorry for controlling you at the mansion back there. You and I didn't know these people so I thought they could have hurt you. And I cant go too far from your body. So doing that was the only thing i could do."  I look at him in a face to show that its okay. I place my hand on his back to reassure him that its alright. "It's okay! I forgave you already! I understand why you did it."

"That's g-" he stops talking. Then I hear it, "Lewis! Llleeeewwwiiisss? Wake up bud." It was Arthur, I think trying to wake me up. "Well i guess its time to go. Bye!" And as I say that Magenten fades away and I slowly open my eyes. Colors slowly fade into sight. Then I see Arthur in front of me. I go into a shock face and blush a little. Arthur did the same thing and backed away. "Hehe uhm.. sorry about that.. I was dying to wake you up for breakfast. ... we don't tell Vivi a thing about this okay?" I just nod and he helps me up. 

We walk too the kitchen and start to eat breakfast. I guess i really did forget how good eggs and bacon was. Oh yeah! "Hey Arthur? I remembered something. I was in my room yesterday when you showed me. I woke up this morning trying to remember stuff and I remembered some stuff about my room." Arthur's face shot up from his food and stared at me with a giant smile. "Lewis. This.. this is great! The more stuff you remember the better. Lets see how much more we can get back." That's all i wanted to know.

That's all i want.

I  did it! I got a name in! And thank you guys so much for the vote on my chapters! It means so much to me. Something i did for fun. Turns into something with over 150 reads! Thank you guys so much!

Words: 845

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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