The Blame (3)

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3rd POV

Just as Arthur was putting the pressure and bandages on his now stub of an arm, he felt a little light headed. he ignored it for a bit. when he was done he felt more dizzy then before.

Arthur POV

I began to feel light headed. more then before. *how much blood did I lose?!* I think to myself as were on the road. Vivi is driving. *I knew it wasn't a good idea to go to the cave!* I slowly let myself pass out.

(some time later. maybe about 3 hours? yeah)

I slowly began to regain conscious. I open my right eye to see Vivi next to me, she looks up from her lap to see me. she then notices me being up.  "Arthur! I'm so glad your awake!" I slowly sit up. she begins to help me out of bed.

I stand up then realize that Lewis isn't there. Then I remember what happened previously. "Vivi is Lewis ok?!" I ask in distress because I'm concerned. she looks down to the ground and shakes her head. I know what that means. he.. he didn't make it out-. I was interrupted from my thoughts when I feel something soft brush against my leg.

it was Mystery. I then remember what happened at the cave and why Lewis didn't come out.

I-I-I pushed him.. I slowly put myself in a ball on the ground and began to cry into my knees. I feel Vivi's hand on my back with an up and down motion to calm me down. Mystery sat beside me and leaned his head against my hip.

I began to whisper under my breath, "it's my fault.. I killed him. what have I done. its my fault." thinking Vivi nor Mystery couldn't hear me. I began to break down more. Vivi had apparently heard what I said, "oh Arthur. it's not your fault. were here for you. hey! if you think about it. since he loved ghosts more then anything. maybe he became one and we can try to see him again!" 

that sparked my curiosity, but soon after I said, " what if he hates me and tries to kill me? I mean he saw me didn't he?" then Vivi spoke saying, "which way was he facing when he was pushed?", "he was facing away from me. wait- he didn't see me do it! maybe he wont want to kill me after all!" I felt a bit more relaxed, but still unsure.

"exactly! lets try and find him tomorrow. or when your ready." I looked at her, determined. she knew in an instance what that meant. I don't care how long it takes me to find him. I will find him.

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