The Quidditch World Cup

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Your POV:
Summer was almost over, and I was so excited to go to Hogwarts. I was in my room packing my things when my uncle came in and told me to get ready. Oh yeah. The quidditch world cup is today. How could I forget? My cousin is on Ireland's team too! He must have already gotten there, he is playing after all. I got on as much of my green apparel and I could and rubbed some face paint on my cheeks. Then I was ready to go.

Once we got there, I almost got claustrophobic with how many people were surrounding us. We started to make our way to the stands when I ran into a tall boy with long straight red hair. He was covered head to toe in green and it made me smile. I looked up at him in surprise.
"I am so sorry!" I said.
"Don't worry about it." He told me and smiled.
"I like the green." I smiled at him and pointed to his face paint.
"I like yours." He said back.
Just then another boy that looked just like him turned around and introduced himself to me.
"Fred Weasley." The boy said. "Was George not going to introduce me?" He patted his brother on the back.
"Sorry-" George offered his hand to me. "George." He said, and then looked at his brother, "and Fred" he said.
"George and Fred." I looked at both of them, "I'm Y/n. Y/n L/n, and I should be getting to my seat."
With that, I turned around and walked away from the boys, meeting my uncle in the stands just in time for the game to start.

George's POV:
I watched Y/n walk to her seat in the stands for just a second too long and Fred caught me. Sometimes I wish he wasn't so observant.
"Aw does Georgie have a crush?" He teased me.
"Yeah right." I told him, "I'm probably never even gonna see her again."

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