Back to School

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Your POV:
We were going back to Hogwarts today. This summer felt like it went by super fast with the Weasleys. I was now starting my seventh year with the twins, we'd be graduating this year. Leaving the burrow was slightly bittersweet, as it had become like a second home to me, but I was excited to get on that train.

As soon as we got to the school, I said goodbye to the twins and made my way to the Slytherin dorms. I was still refusing to wear my uniform, but I couldn't change where I slept.
"There she is." a voice came from the common room.
"Draco!" I greeted him as he pulled me into a hug, "How was your summer?"
"A bit stressful I must admit." He told me, "But still a nice time."
I caught up with Draco for a bit before I finally got to my dorm. I was eager to see who I'd be sharing it with this year.

"Oh no, not you again." Jenna teased when I walked through the door.
I didn't answer, I just pulled her into a hug.
"How are you and Adrian?" I finally asked her.
"Well, we're not together anymore." She told me, "But I'm not bothered, we're still friends. He's all yours if you want him."
I chuckled at her comment and set my bags down, "I don't. But that reminds me, I should go check on George. See how he's settled in."
"Ah, right. The Gryffindor." She said, "Okay, I'll see you at dinner."

I made my way to the Gryffindor dorms to see George, but as soon as I stepped through the painting, I ran into Angelina Johnson instead.

"Hey Y/n." She greeted me.
"Hey Angelina." I answered, "How was your summer?"
"Surely not as eventful as yours." She said.
"What do you mean?" I asked her.
"I heard you spent it at the burrow with the twins." She looked at me coldly.
"Well, yeah. The rest of the family was there too, of course, but George invited me. It was a lot of fun." I told her.
"I'm sure you and Fred had a good time." She accused.
Now I was confused.
"Well, I'm not exactly sure what you mean but I guess?" I was getting a bit uncomfortable with this conversation.
"Does George know?" She asked as I started to walk away.
"Does George know what?" I asked skeptically.
"You know." She frowned, "About you and Fred."
"What are you talking about?" I was starting to get angry.
"I saw you kiss him, you know. Months ago, in his dorm. That's not exactly fair to your boyfriend is it?" She said.
"Angelina, that was a mistake." I told her, "And George knows all about it. We all talked about it. I spent the summer with George, my boyfriend. Not Fred."
"Well either way," She said, "I don't like that you kissed him."
"Okay, I'm sorry, but I wasn't even the one that kissed him. He kissed me." I told her.
"Whatever." She crossed her arms, "You just can't go around kissing people who are taken."
"If you're together, you should talk to him about it." I said, "What do you want from me?"
"Well," She started, "I want to make things even."
"What?" I was still so confused.
"You kissed Fred, now I get to kiss George." She smirked.

"What? No way!" I nearly screamed at her.
As soon as I raised my voice, the twins came running downstairs.
"What's going on, Y/n?" George asked me carefully.
"This lunatic wants to kiss you!" I yelled back at him, pointing at Angelina.
Both of the twins looked shocked.
"It's only fair." Angelina stated flatly, "You kissed Fred. I kiss George. Then, no hard feelings."

George looked visibly uncomfortable listening to us argue. We bickered back and forth until I had had enough.
"That's it." I interrupted, "I'm done with this. You can keep being crazy but leave me out of it. And don't touch my boyfriend. I mean it."
With that, I grabbed George's hand and led us out into the hall, away from Angelina and Fred.

I stopped once we were far enough away from the common room and took one large, well-needed breath. I held both of George's hands in mine and leaned my head on his chest, trying to calm myself down.
"Are you okay?" He asked me.
"Who does she think she is?" I returned, "Demanding that I let her kiss my boyfriend. Like I would ever let that happen!"
George chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"What's so funny?" I looked up at him.
"You're so angry." He told me.
"Of course I am!" I said, "She was trying to manipulate me into letting her make a move on you!"
"Do you mind if I sit at the Slytherin table with you for dinner then?" He asked me, "You know, so she can't make a move on me."
I chuckled, "Are you sure that's the reason? Or do you just want to spend time with me?"
"Maybe." He said, "Can you blame me?"
"Of course you can sit with me." I smiled at him, "But only if you promise not to go kissing Angelina behind my back."
I was only teasing, I knew he would never actually do that.
"I wouldn't dream of it." He assured me as he grabbed my chin and leaned my head up to kiss him.

I was on my way to dinner that same day when Fred came jogging up to me from down the hall.
"Hey, Y/n, wait up!" He called out to me.
"What's up, Freddie?" I asked him.
"Why don't you just let Angelina kiss George?" He asked me.
"What?" I looked at him, "Are you insane? Why would I do that?"
"Oh, come on." He answered, "It's only fair."
"It's not gonna happen, Freddie. I'm not letting some girl kiss my boyfriend because you kissed me and she's bitter. Let it go."

George's POV:
Sitting at the Slytherin table with Y/n was kinda cool. Malfoy wasn't a jerk to me, and her friends actually seemed nice. I wasn't really one to stereotype people on their house placement, but I knew Malfoy wasn't a pleasant person, so I was almost expecting more harassment from him. But there wasn't any. We all talked and laughed together after I introduced myself. It was overall a really good time.

"Weasley." Draco called out to me after we finished eating and everyone was heading back to their common rooms.
"Yes?" I asked him.
"You hurt her, you hurt me. I can assure you that girl will be the best thing that's ever happened to you. Don't take her for granted." He told me before turning on his heel and leaving me in the hall alone.

Weird. I didn't know Y/n and Draco were such good friends. And what made him think I was gonna take her for granted?

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