the Fall Ball

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Your POV:
This year I bought a dress, and I let George pick it out. I hated the color purple, but he loved it, so the whole gown was lavender. It wasn't bad, though. It wasn't an obnoxious color, it was soft and sweet. I actually liked it quite a lot. The dress fit me perfectly, the off-the-shoulder sleeves resting perfectly on my arms as the skirt stopped just as it hit the floor.

Draco hadn't found a date. I would have gone with him as a friend if I wasn't going with George, so I felt bad that I was leaving him to be alone. He did explain to me, though, that his dad would flip out if he told him he didn't have a date, so I let him tell his dad that we were going together. He believed it, but he asked for a picture of us together, so Draco and I got ready together before the ball like Ginny and I did last year.

As Draco and I were walking to the ball together, I noticed Dumbledore pacing the halls, looking frantic. Usually he only paced in his study, so I wondered what was wrong. I approached him with caution.
"Headmaster?" I greeted him.
"Yes? L/n? What is it?" He asked me.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"No dear, I'm afraid I'm not." He told me, "The band cancelled last minute and now we have no music. I suppose I could always use magic but that's not the same as a live performance."
"Wait," Draco interrupted, "Y/n can perform."
"What?" I interjected, "No I can't!"
He ignored me and addressed Dumbledore, "She's amazing. I've heard her in her dorm. She's probably your best bet at getting some good music right now. Everyone will love her. I promise you."
"Y/n?" Dumbledore turned to me, "Can you do this? You'd be helping me out greatly, which is worth a good amount of house points."

What he said last is what convinced me. With all my pranks, I had cost Slytherin so many points already, and I didn't want anyone to hate me. Maybe if I earned them some points I wouldn't feel so bad about losing them.

"I'll do it." I told him.

George's POV:
I was waiting for Y/n at the ball for longer than I thought I would be. I watched the door, waiting for her to walk in, but she didn't. I looked around for Draco, and there he was, but still no Y/n. That was weird. If they got ready together, why didn't they arrive together?

I looked around some more when I heard her voice come from the front of the room. Looking up, there she was on the stage, behind the microphone with a guitar strapped over her shoulder. I didn't know she played the guitar.

She found me in the crowd and winked at me before introducing herself and saying she was going to play some songs.
"I'm only gonna play maybe five songs for you," She said, "then I have to join my date on the dance floor."
That was me.

She started singing and she was fantastic. Maybe a little shy, but incredible, really. How did I not know she could sing like that? Her voice was angelic and I couldn't help but fall even more in love with her in that moment. I didn't even know that was possible. I danced around with Lee and his date until someone approached us and yelled over the music.
"Hey, Weasley!" They addressed me. I recognized him as one of the Slytherins in our year, but I didn't know his name, "That your girl?"
"Yeah." I told him, "Talented, isn't she?"
"Oh yeah." He said, "Great vocal chords. She sound that good in bed?"

Have you ever wanted to genuinely kill someone? Yeah.

He opened his mouth to say something else, and that's when I swung on him. I hit him square in the jaw and he fell to the ground. Hard. I immediately felt hands on my shoulders, and before I could react, Snape was dragging me out.

Your POV:
I was in the middle of singing a slow muggle song when I locked eyes with George in the crowd. I could feel my cheeks flush red and I tried to hide it. He smiled at me as I went on with the song, trying my hardest to sound the best I could. I wasn't a professional by any means and I wouldn't even consider myself all that good, but I was doing this as a favor to Dumbledore. After these few songs were over, I didn't plan on ever singing in front of a crowd this big again, but I was making the most out of the situation. I had gotten lost in the song when I noticed George wasn't standing where he was a moment ago. I looked around frantically until I saw him getting shoved out the doors and into the hall. I cast a spell to keep my guitar playing and ran after him.

George's POV:
"George? What's going on?" Y/n followed me out.
"Y/n? Go back in there! You sounded amazing, they love you." I told her.
"I was just helping Dumbledore out for a bit." She told me, "They can deal with artificial music for the rest of the dance. Now what are you doing out here? Was that Snape?"
"Yeah." I sighed, "He kicked me out."
"Why?" She asked, a concerned look on her face.
"Punched someone." I avoided her gaze, "Some guy. I didn't like how he was talking about you so I punched him."
I looked up at her, "And I don't regret it. I regret getting kicked out and not getting a chance to dance with you, but I don't regret punching him. He had it coming."

She smiled at me softly and put her arms around my neck, "May I have this dance?"
I nodded and as we danced alone in the hallway, she hummed into my ear, a sound so much sweeter than any music that could have been playing in the other room.

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