of fluff and uwus

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Little baby Tae has woken up,from his sleep

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Little baby Tae has woken up,from his sleep.He was still lying on Jungkook's chest and he can't help but nuzzle more into the warmth that Jungkook was radiating.

Taehyung might have been turned into a child,but there is a probability that he remembers some things---like how he recognized his hyungs and his Koo.

Even for bigger Tae Jungkook was the most important person;and Tae knew that he can go to jk anytime because the younger made him feel safe,protected and loved.

So,this might be the reason that even tho he's a baby right now---his feelings towards Jungkook are still engraved in his mind.

That's why he chose Jungkook out of all of them.

Little Tae wants the same as big Tae---to feel safe,protected and loved

And he knew his Koo would do this for him.

A couple of minutes passed with Jungkook sleeping and Tae being awake.

When the baby couldn't handle it anymore,he started mumbling "Koo",but Jungkook didnt wake up.

Then he decided to bite him,as to get him up.

So with his milk teeth,he bit the area on Jungkook's chest.

That efficiently woke Jungkook up.

"Ahhh"he groaned and opened his eyes,seeing tae on his chest.

The scene made him break the biggest,fattest UWU in the morning.

"Aww,bubba you're up and thats why you bit me to get me up too! Hmm!"

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"Aww,bubba you're up and thats why you bit me to get me up too! Hmm!"

He said bringing Tae closer to himself.

Taehyung just passed him a toothy smile.

"Baby,stop melting my heart this much fluff is not good for me" he said and Nuzzled his face to Tae's body.

He glanced at the time,9:21 the clock read.

He decided to get up.

"Come on bubba,let's brush your teeth and get some food into your small tummy" Tae perked up and was happily carried by Jungkook.

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