of giggles,sauce and discoveries

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Taehyung was the first to wake up between him and Jungkook.He remained in Jungkook's hold and was staring at his Koo who looked so peaceful while sleeping.

It was early in the morning and the dorm was completely silent.The sun wasn't even completely up yet.

Suddenly the door to their room opened,Taehyung's eyes flew to the person who entered.


Jimin came up to them only to see that Taehyung was awake and looking at him with wide eyes.

"Hey bub,I didnt think you'd be up" he said

Tae said nothing.

"Would you like to come with me?" Jimin asked Tae and he nodded his head.

Sure Tae wanted to stay there with his Koo but he loved Chimmy too,so he decided to go with him.

It was hard for Jimin to take Tae out of Jungkook's grip.

Although the younger was a heavy sleeper and won't even wake up even if World War 3 starts,he still wasn't letting go of the grip that he had around Tae's body.

Each time Jimin would tug Tae up,each time Kook's hand would tighten around him.

It was an instinct to protect Tae and to hold on to him,and he was doing that even in his sleep.

After a lot of difficulty,Tae got out from his arms and went to Jimin's.

Jimin quickly scribbled down a note and put it on the bedside table.
For Jungkook to not panic if he gets up and doesn't find Tae around him.

Jimin with Tae in his arms exited the room and went to the back of the house.

They sat in one of the chairs with Tae on Jimin's lap.

They both were enjoying the scenery as the sun was rising up,filling the world with light and color and removing the darkness.

Jimin took a sigh,the reason he went to Tae was because he was missing his best friend.

Tae and him were the closest among the members,there wasn't a single thing they both won't share or do for the other.

They weren't soulmates for no reason.

And they haven't gone by without communication for this much time.

Jimin knew that it wasn't anyone's fault that his best friend turned to a baby overnight; it wasn't even that Jimin didnt like him.

He loved and adored baby Tae as much as he did the older one;maybe even more.

But there are things which he wanna do with and wanna talk about with his best friend and that is not possible with little Tae.

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