of searching the baby

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"Hyung......Tae's not in your room!"Jungkook said and it had every man present there standing on their feet.

"WHAT!!!! but he was sleeping there.I myself tucked him in" Yoongi exclaimed.

All of their faces were etched with worry.
Only the thought of something happening to their Tae was making them go crazy.

"Well he is not there hyung,I checked myself!!" Kook yelled.

His mind was clouded with anxiety of something bad happening to Tae.

What if he got out of the house and went to the road and got hit---------

No no this can't happen NO NO

Jungkook shakes his head as the fear of the worst creeps in his mind.

His eyes were filled with tears and he wanted to have Tae in his arms NOW or else he would go absolutely nuts.

"Guys,come on this is not the time to argue,let's find Tae." Hobi said

Everyone nodded their heads.

"Did you guys see him going outside???" Namjoon asked YoonJin.

They both shaked their heads.

"Okay so he might be still in the house.
Everyone search around everywhere,not even the smallest place should be left
Let's get going"

Namjoon commanded and they all were on their heels running around the house.

" hey relax,it will be fine.we will find him" Joon comforted Jin who was scolding himself inside his head and was sobbing now and then.

"Its all my fault,Gosh how can I be so careless!!!!!" Jin screamed.

"Hyung,its not time to blame yourself,come on our son needs us" and this made Jin effectively calm down and begin the search.

"Yoongi it'll be alright,its not your fault.maybe he's still in your room,Kook might not have checked properly" Jimin rubbed circles on Yoongi's hands.

He saw the always composed Min Yoongi breaking down into a fit of tears.

"No....Chim---I---I---" he couldn't say anything as Jimin pulled him for a hug.

He himself was crying because of his soulmate missing and seeing Yoongs like this.

"Shhhh,its okay" that was all Jimin could say.

"Let's check here Kook.........
Kook????" Hobi said as he looked around for Jungkook.

Both of them were searching together for Tae.

But now it seemed like Hobi has lost Jungkook too as the said man was nowhere to be found.

He ran out of the room only to see Jungkook kneeling by the staircase and crying his heart out.

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