chapter six

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Evan struggled with sleep, having to count his breathing to fight the overwhelming sense of anxiety.

Just when he thought they could have a break, and were one step ahead of everyone else. They managed to be sucked into a new problem. This job however, doesn't come with many days off.

He willed his mind to let him rest, hugging Teddy closer. Frustrated tears filled his eyes, thinking of the events of the day. His family was in danger. This Delirious guy had to show on the one day he had allowed for himself. And Jonathan was still gone.

The problems and worries stacked heavily on his shoulders, and Evan felt like a failure.

He rolled over towards the window, trying to get away from his thoughts. Teddy whined, following after him, then plopping back down against his chest.

"Teddy bear, I miss him." Evan whispered, kissing her head.

She licked his cheek, which he took as a goodnight. He pulled the duvet further up his body, drifting off to her snores.

Evan stirred awake just before eight am. And waking up with the same feeling of despair and loneliness, made him laugh out loud. Although it held no humor.

He groaned loudly, frustrated tears burning his eyes. "I don't think it'll ever get better, Teddy. I don't want to feel this way anymore."

Tyler, who had heard Evan as he was walking through the hall, decided to take a detour into his room. Opening the door quietly, he walked to Evan's bathroom, turning on the shower.

Evan knew it had to be Tyler, as none of the others - except Brock - were this intrusive.

Tyler shuffled around the room, pulling clean clothes from drawers, and setting out a towel for Evan in the bathroom. He let Teddy out the door, sure the other would take care of her for the time being.

After a few minutes, Tyler pulled the blanket away from Evan's still form, scooping him up in his arms. A small sob escaped his throat, and Tyler teared up at the sound, his heart breaking for the other.

Once they reached the bathroom, he set Evan gently on the seat, kneeling on the ground in front of him. "C'mon bub."

Evan whimpered, desperately trying to hold back his emotions. Tyler ran his thumb soothingly across his cheek, removing any tears.

"Please-" Tyler's voice broke. "Work with me here, yeah?"

Evan leaned into the others touch, ever so slightly nodding his head.

"Okay, I'll be right outside." Tyler mumbled, kissing his forehead, then disappearing quickly out of the room.

He felt a sob building in his throat as he closed the door. It killed him to see Evan hurt so much. Evan was his best friend, his family. He would do anything for the other.

Before their official squad had been formed, of course their were the original members. Brock, Tyler, Evan, and Jonathan. And even before then, it was just Tyler and Evan.

Jonathan had moved out of state because of his dad being sent to jail, and his next closest relative lived three hours away. Evan lived with Jon, and was devastated when he left. Having no other family around, Tyler took Evan in.

The two lived along with Tyler's older brother Michael. Still, barely managing to get by, this was the start of Evan and Tyler doing odd jobs around the city.

One night however, Michael was killed in a drive by shooting, coming home from his second shift. Evan had helped Tyler cope, and vowed to take care of him from then on.

I'm Going Home - H2OVanossTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon