chapter eleven

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"Morning bub! Breakfast is ready." Brock hummed, walking into Evan's room and throwing open the curtains.

Evan was already awake, but his mood brightened seeing Brock so happy about something.

"What're you so smiley about this morning?" He laughed.

Brock shrugged, playing with the hem of his hoodie. "Oh nothin' really..."

Evan stood, stretching. "Well that smile on your face says differently. So, care to tell?"

"Brian and I are together." He whispered.

Evan was shocked. "That dude finally had the balls to tell you? He's been talking about it for months!"

Brock laughed. "I couldn't believe it, but he told me last night. Wait- you knew?"

He snorted in repsonse. "Of course I knew! You tell me everything and Brian can't keep his mouth shut. But I'm really happy for you guys."

Brock smiled brightly, shuffling back across the room. He wrapped his arms around Evan, who returned the hug.

"Thanks bub."

He smiled, watching the other dissapear out the door. Truly, he was excited for the two. He had no doubt they would make the perfect pair.

He was happy for them.

But inside, he could feel the jealousy creeping through him. Then, he felt guilty about being jealous over something he couldn't have.

It wasn't anyones fault but his own. And it was terrible for him to feel such a way, towards their newfound relationship. Jonathan was gone, he'd missed his chance.

And he'd have to accept that sooner or later.

"Hey! Brock said breakfast is ready. You coming?" Marcel asked from the doorway.

He nodded, rummaging through his drawer for a shirt.

Marcel frowned at the older's behavior. "You alright Ev?"

"Huh- oh. Yeah I'm good. I'll be down soon." He mumbled.

Marcel nodded, knowing something was off about the other. He decided not push the issue, as Evan had a lot to deal with right now, and typically didn't open up about his feelings. If he needed help, he would ask.

So he turned away, leaving Evan to his search.

When Marcel's footsteps faded, he sat on the edge of his bed. He pulled a shirt on, as well as socks, with a sigh.

"It'll get better, right Teddy Bear?" He whispered, ruffling her ears.

She yipped, and he took that as a yes. He pushed himself off the bed, Teddy following close behind, and the two made their way downstairs to breakfast.

After breakfast was finished, and the kitchen was cleaned up, Evan made his way to his office. And as if she already knew, Teddy was waiting at his desk, ready to push buttons.

He laughed, giving her the command to push it, which signaled everyone to the meeting room. He waited a few minutes, trying to collect his thoughts before he made his way to the room.

The guys greeted Evan, as he sat in his chair. He was sure they knew what this meeting would entail.

"Thanks for getting here quickly. I'm sure everyone has heard about what happened last night." He said, glancing around the room seeing nods. "Well, I want to start off by apologizing to you all."

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