chapter three

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"Ev?" I heard, feeling the bed dip, pulling me from sleep.

I peered from under my duvet, seeing Marcel, Scotty, Tyler, and Craig in my room. A sigh escapes my lips. I didn't want to have to interact with them just yet.

"Teddy! Outside!" Ryan's voice carries into the room.

She perks up, stretching, then dashes off the bed.

Marcel clears his throat. "Just wanted to check on you..."

I nod my thanks to them, placing the duvet back over my head.

"We're going out for a bit. Did you need anything?" Scotty asks.

I thought for a moment, deciding I did need one thing. I grabbed Jon's teddy bear, lifting it to show them.

"A bear?" Craig questions.

I give a thumbs up, pulling my arm, and the bear, back under the cover.

"Okay we'll pick one up for you..." He trails off. "Did you want to come with us?"

I don't answer. Hopefully, they take my silence as my answer. I didn't plan on leaving my bed today.

"Okay, let's go." Tyler whispers.

"I'll meet you in the car." He mumbles before closing the door, and making his way back to me.

He sits next to me, rubbing my arm. "Bub?"

I clench my jaw, fighting the burning sensation in my eyes. Please don't ask if I need something. Please don't ask if I'm okay.

I wanted him to leave, but knowing Ty, he wouldn't.

"Ev, come here." He says softly, pulling me from under my blanket.

He smiles softly at me, but I duck my head. I won't be able to stop my tears if I look at him.

"Please don't ask if I'm okay-" I choke out.

He pulled me into his chest, wrapping me tightly in his arms. "I wasn't going to. Just giving you a hug."

I nodded, burying my face in his chest. My tears fell silently onto his shirt, and as much as I thought I wanted to be alone, I was thankful he was here.

"I'm here bub." He whispers, resting his chin on my head. At that, I feel a sob bubble in my throat, but I choke it down. I pull away and rub my eyes. I would hate for him to have to see me any worse.

"Thanks Ty. Now go on, I'll be fine."

He frowns, hesitantly standing up. "Okay... We'll be back soon, and you haven't eaten anything today. You want me to bring you something back?"

I shrugged, feeling nauseous at the mention of food. Yet he read my mind, and said, "Pizza?"

I nodded. At least it was something I would enjoy.

He hugged my tightly once more, before pushing me back down, and pulling my comforter over me again. He opens the door, letting Teddy back inside, then leaves the room.

The sadness I felt had become very overwhelming. In an instant, I broke down again. I cried as quietly as I could into my pillow, until my body felt numb, and sleep dragged me away once more.

Evan was awake as soon as the door slammed shut down stairs. He looked around the room, hoping that some time had passed, but the clock read three thirty.

He groaned, staring at the ceiling. Teddy pawed at his feet, she was up and ready to go.

He wanted to get up and dressed, walk downstairs. But he felt as though the whole world had weighed down every muscle. Evan was afraid he didn't have the strength.

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