"Uhh, is she meditating?"

The pro shrugged as his scarves were still wrapped around your form.

Not to long after bright light began to glow around you, which caused some of the pros to cover their eyes.

Some of them were about to use their quirks, but soon were stopped.

"Wait" Nezu spoke, putting his hands out.

Your form began to grow smaller as the hero's eyes began to widen.

opening your eyes, they were all white as you were still in a meditative state.

High wind started to blow inside the room as Midnight and another cowboy looking pro looked around.

Aizawa put his goggles on as Mic was being held by Midnights whip.

"Her form is getting smaller!" Mic spoke, finally having his feet staying on the ground.

Finally done shrinking, the wind stopped as the light finally died down.

Some of them uncovered their eyes, while your form started to get more visible again.

In front of them, they saw a young looking girl with beautiful (H/l) (H/c) hair that slightly fell onto your face.

Your eyes were a nice (E/c) color which matched your face perfectly.

And those wings, They were beautiful, white and huge as they touched the hospital ceiling. Your lion tail slinks up from behind, as it wiggles around.

Their eyes widened more as you just stared back at them.

The room fell into an awkward silence as you scratched the back of your neck.

'Oh, they probable didn't know I'm a girl. Makes since, due to my lion form looking like a boy.'

Starting to get uncomfortable, you coughed and held your hands up.

Doing a little wave your voice spoke out.


'A girl was this giant lion?! What a twist!' They all thought, except Nezu who's smile grew even wider.

'So this little girl was a hero all along? Who would've known?'

'Ohh what a cutie! she's so timid around us, it's kind of hot.'

'I can't believe this kid was able to defend and take on the Nomu while I was almost crushed in three seconds.'

'Okay now I'm getting embarrassed from all these stares.' you thought, blushing a little while looking away.

The mouse thing walked up to you as he ate another piece of cheese.

Touching your trapped hand, he made sure not to scare you a little.

"So can you speak now?" He asked gently.

You looked up at the pro humans, suddenly getting a scared shiver sent down your spine from the scarf human.

Looking down at your lap, your ears dropped with a little whimper.

"Yeah.." You mumbled.

Nezu looked at scarf human while still holding his smile.

"Aizawa let her go." He ordered.

"But Nezu-" he was interrupted.

"Aizawa." Nezu snapped, sounding a little agitated this time.

The human sighed as he wasn't sure to let you free, but soon listened to the bear mouse thing.

Feeling the metal scarfs free your form, you felt more relaxed now.

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