~Chapter 19~

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Chapter 19: Hero killer Stain.

(Before we start this chapter, there will be mentions of Cutting. If that stuff triggers you , then do not read this chapter. Also, I am adding a twist to this story that you all will truly like, and I hope that it will be awesome in a way.)

(Anyway, before I start crying let's get into the chapter! P.S Play music when I tell you to okay? I want the stain fight to have an epic feeling to it lol. On to the chapter!)

It has been almost four weeks since the first day with Keigo. 

The training was tough, but nothing you and Tokoyami couldn't handle. Sparing, basic attacks, speed, movement, even weakness points, and skills. 

Ikun most nights send you a loving message, even Deku checks upon you. You missed your friends, even though you knew them long. 

Every night after training, Keigo would treat you and Tokoyami for either dinner or some delicious tea at a coffee not too far from here.

Mostly, Keigo is a pretty chill human.  But he's also very handsome too.

One day, when you woke up. The pro only had one bathroom, so when you went to take a shower, you accidentally walked in on him showering.

It was really embarrassing as Keigo never even let it down since that day.

The chicken wing is such a caretaker. Tokoyami accidentally cut your cheek with his beak during a sparring match, so Keigo sat you down and cleaned the cut himself.

Tokoyami felt so bad, but you reassured him it wasn't that bad. 

Basically, the three of you grew really close in just four weeks. 

Since you are the cuddler you are, you usually ask Tokoyami or Keigo to cuddle with you from time to time. 

Whether it's after training or a night of watching movies. Whatever the situation is, they always find time to someway make you feel better.

(No you three aren't dating, more like friend cuddles than anything. I know it's weird, but just go with it.)

You also learned that Keigo is a big-time flirt. 

EVERY, I mean EVERY chance he gets he will whisper something silly in your ear, or even Just complimenting you. 

Towering over you is his favorite thing to do.

Making you feel somewhat small gets him fired up. (Kinky)

But he doesn't do it much, since it makes you somewhat uncomfortable. 

Besides, he's your mentor, not your lover. 

Sometimes he wishes to be, but he's thinking too quickly. 

Anyways, these past four weeks changed you, as a warrior and a person. In more of a good way than anything. 

But today, something was wrong. 

And you could feel it in your gut. 

Right when you woke up, you never went to breakfast. 

But headed straight up to Keigo's roof garden. 

It was a nice little space. Nothing like you've ever seen since you've been here. 

Small well-kept plants hanged over some grate walls. Pots and plants were decorated with many whites, reds, and even greys, complimenting the wooden floors.

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