~Chapter 3~

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Chapter 3. A New friend?

You finally made it back to the forest, luckily you were able to hide yourself well from all the things you ran into. Plopping down on the soft Itchy ground you plopped a fish inside your mouth. 

"mmmmMH delicous!" You praised as your tail wagged with excitement. 

Slowly pulling the bone out of your mouth as your saliva covers it, you threw it aside as you plopped the other one in your mouth also. 

'Sadly I was only able to grab two....which is okay, but not enough still.' 

As the last tasty fish goes down your throat, you took the bone out as you threw it to the other skeleton on the ground. 

Getting up you decided to go play with the stuff outside the forest, I think your dad calls it sand? It was soft and mushy, that's all you could describe it by. 

Walking to the Ocean you plopped in the sand while turning into your lion form.

Rolling around as your whole body was now covered in sand you giggled like a dork. 

'This is so much fun!' you thought, continuing to roll around making cute lion noises. 

But you noticed how this beach was so dirty. With weird objects that piled high. 

'What is all this? Did humans do this? how could they ruin such a beautiful land scape?

As you looked around this disgusting place but then saw two humans standing on a wierd looking thing. 

Your eyes lit up at one familiar person. 

'It's the green brocoli boy! what is he doing with that scronny looking man? He doesn't look very normal-'

*COugh COugh splat splat.*

Uh oh. 

holding your mouth, you doubled over. 

'I think I'm going to be sick. He's coughing up blood!'

You heard the broccoli boy freak out slightly as he was doing a silly walk. 

Apparently that scrawny human is a number one hero? hmm doesn't look like a hero to you. 

Seeing him lift up his shirt was kind of interesting, since he had a huge injury on his stomach.

'Oh great, this time I think I am going to puke.'

The broccoli boy mentioned about him not having a quirk, you grew confused as you didn't know what quirks were. 


What if their the powers that dad passed down to the humans?!

Wiggling your tail as your wings fluttered, you forgot you were still in lion form, so you just turned invisible for the time being. 

The skeleten hero talked to the brocoli boy telling he he wasn't cut out to be a hero, due to te fact he was 'Powerless.' you could see the sadness in his eyes when he told him that, wanted to make you stand up for him. 

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