when reality kicks in PT2

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                 A year later

Joe's POV


I quickly jolted up to find Colby calling me.

"Man we are here" he said chuckling.

"Damn" I said looking around we were already at the front gate of my new home in Tampa.

Colby decided to come crash at my place before leaving for Iowa in the morning to Becky who was almost popping anytime soon. Which I gladly accepted because it can really be lonely when you leave in a huge house alone.

A few months ago, I divorced my ex wife because I found her with another man in our bed. A few weeks ago I finalized the divorce and got equal custody of my children. The divorce wasn't easy, Lina was difficult but I'm thankful for the prenup she signed before getting married because knowing her she would have financially dried me. But she had nothing to worry about because I settled her with a good amount of money as well as child support money and as if that wasn't enough, I left the house for her. So she was good to go.

I have not heard anything from y/n since she moved to California a year ago all I saw was her Instagram posts. She looked happy to say the least, I didn't even know that I hurt her that bad and to make it worst, I downplayed her pain. I was supposed to be there for her, to stand up for her when my ex wife blatantly lied to my family about her.

My family regrets treating y/n the way they did though and I regret not stopping her when she left, I regret not listening to her and what she wanted and I take blame for the demise of our long time friendship.

I developed feelings for y/n five years ago. I fell in love with her literally but I had a wife, children and a reputation to uphold, so I couldn't act on them that's why I kinda distanced myself from her. But I regret not acting on my feelings when I could, at the end of the day my wife was always cheating and to think I let the woman I love go because of the vows I made to Lina on the altar only for her to be the one to break those vows is something that makes me so salty and mad but I guess that is just karma doing its work on me.


Oh life has been good but my love life not that much. After leaving Florida, I met a few guys here and there in California but our relationships didn't work because I was still in love with him.

And Although I didn't contact him from for one whole year, I always kept up with him through stalking his social medias, which I eventually unblocked and blogs. Call me creepy but I was a girl in love.

He is divorced now, which I kinda felt happy about yeah that's me being petty again and  I can't believe that bitch he called a wife had the nerve to accuse me of seducing Joe while the hoe was the one sleeping around. It made me angry that she betrayed Joe as well when he gave her the world, but he kinda deserved it because he didn't listen to me when I told him to investigate her when I saw her being too friendly with a mysterious guy in Starbucks one day.

Anyway I know I said I wasn't going to go back to Florida but givenchy sent me to their Orlando branch which made me nervous and uneasy at first but kinda happy because I got to be close to my family, Joe's children who I adore so much and Joe of course. I won't go looking for him obviously but I won't pass an opportunity to bond and grow our friendship and a relationship if he isnt taken already. I was able to forgive him and let go of the anger and pain I felt towards him. And with the dates that I've gone with the guys I told you about I realized one thing that I could never love another guy like I do Joe.

So here I am on the plane bathroom posing for an Instagram pic that one of the flight attendants was kind enough to help me take.

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