Wedding Surprises

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It was one of those hot July days of the summer in the year 2021,  I was sitting looking at the vanity mirror absent minded in my dressing room as a make up artist and hair stylist were busy getting me glammed up for my wedding that was about to take place in about 5hrs.

A milliard of thoughts crossed my mind about this whole wedding thing and if I was making the right decision.

I've always been a person who was afraid to let people down. I was about to marry Lyndall one of my best friends from work. He was always there for me through thick and thin even, but the thing is I don't love him like that. I've forced myself to fall in love with this man despite everything he had done for me but I just couldn't find it in my heart to do so.

My mind also wondered back to the actual love of my life Joe and where he was, what was he doing at the moment. Did he miss me the way I did?? Was breaking up with him because of a misunderstanding the right thing to do?? I just didn't know what to do but all I knew is that I missed Joe and I wished he'd save me from making this mistake today. I wish I hadn't left but thats just who I was.

I was a broken girl, my past relationships being the cause of it so much it affected my relationship with Joe. I was a believer of Leaving before you are left that I didn't see Joe wasn't like the rest of them. He was there to stay but I just had to push him away.

I believed I never deserved to be happy, to be in a good relationship with a person whom I actually love thats why when Lyndall proposed I said "yes" because not only did I not want to let Lyndall down,  I wanted to escape from Joe for good. Because I couldn't face him, I broke his heart, accused him of something he never did and I was afraid to go look for him because I couldn't take the pain of seeing him wrapped around another woman and all because of my stupid mistake.


A sunny afternoon in this fine city of Venice, and no I'm not here for a vacation, I'm here to take what belongs to me, I'm here to take my bride back.

She broke my heart by leaving the way she did, and I was about to give up on her for good, until one afternoon as I was chilling at my house with my 3 kids (from my first marriage) when I got a phonecall from her mother.

Mrs Marin was a woman who loved her daughter immensely seeing as Ana was her only child plus she was Very fond of me. So I knew the call was Very important.

At first I had panicked thinking something happened to Ana, but I was grateful when she told me Ana was fine.

She explained to me everything about how Ana still loved me but couldn't find it in herself to approach me as she was too ashamed to do so.

Her mother then went on to tell me about her coming marriage, how she was not feeling it, how she was not happy with it but was doing so to please the man she was marrying as she had felt she was supposed to marry him after everything he had done for her.

Mrs Marin begged me to find a way to stop this marriage from happening she was afraid her daughter was about to make the biggest mistake ever and when she tried to stop Anna her pleas  fell upon deaf ears.

We talked for over 3 hrs on the phone at first I wasn't feeling it, but my love for her and the thought of another man marrying her and having her wouldn't let me sit down and do nothing.

I accepted the offer and she gave me all the details about the wedding.
Mrs Marin thought I was gonna break up the wedding what she didn't know was that I had taken it up a notch.

2 hrs later

My dad walked me down the long aisle at the private open area near the beach, Where the ceremony was at. Everything was beautiful the Royal purple and white themed decorations looked spectacular. I just wished it was Joe who I was marrying.

Lyndall was on the end of the aisle, he sort of looked happy and I had no choice but to return back his smile.

Once my dad gave me to lyndall, the minister started but before he could  speak so much, lyndall stopped him and excused himself saying he had something to say.

"I'm sorry Reverend for stopping you but there's something I want to say before the ceremony can continue"

The Reverend nodded at his direction letting him know he can go on.

Lyndall took my hands in his.

"Ana, I have to tell you something, I know you don't love me like that, I could tell with the way you've been moving lately. You have not been happy at all and you are not happy with this wedding."

Where was he going with this, was he gonna leave me. Infront of everyone??

"Ana you are in love with someone else you've always been in love with him, it's so painful to have that realisation, but its something I've made peace with so for that reason and because I want to see you happy,  I have one more surprise for you"

Joe came down the stairs looking so handsome in a white tuxedo and his long hair pushed into a ponytail, his beard had grown and he was more buff than the last time I had seen him. I was confused as the other members of the congregation were.

What was he doing here?? And before I could even finish my thought.

"That's the man whom you truly love Ana, and this is my gift to you, you two deserve to be with each other"

Lyndall said when Joe fully reached to where we were.

"This wedding isn't ours this wedding is for the two of you. I'm not your groom, I'm now your friend who's going to sit down and watch you my best friend have the best wedding that you deserve and to a man whom you truly love." By the time he finished tears of joy were cascading my cheeks helplessly.  I hugged my friend tightly.

"Thank you so much Lyndall, thank you thank you thank you."

"Shh it was the right thing to do Annie."

"What about you?? Isn't this hurting you?"

"Oh Ana you never change, always thinking about other people before yourself. Anyways like I said don't worry about me, I'll find my soul mate soon." He said giving me a huge kiss on my forehead before going down to sit down and now I was left with my love my Joe whom I hugged tightly before the minister interrupted us.

We got married. Enjoyed ourselves at the reception singing and dancing until dawn. This all felt like a dream but it was a reality, my reality. I married the man I love, me and lyndall were still friends and everything was OK. I don't know how they pulled it off but I'm glad it happened.

So sorry if this aint good Just a filler, since I've been out for so long, thank you so much for 100K reads you guys are the best. I 🖤❤

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