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Based on In The Closet by Michael Jackson.

The WWE European tour was over and Amanda was on a flight back home, she wore a sad face and occasionally a smile whenever someone came her way to mask the pain and the heartbreak she was feeling inside. She couldn't believe the tour was over and that she had to go back to the USA and pretend like nothing happened.

Flashback August 4th 2021:
In london:
Amanda woke up to soft rays of the sun lighting up her room, she looked at the time and it was 10 AM in the morning, she had alot of time before going to the stadium, so she decided to go sight seeing but not before pumping some good english breakfast to her system.

As she was walking down the hallway with her face buried in her phone, searching for the perfect place to go visit first, she hit something that was solid enough to make her lose balance and before her small figure hit the ground, two strong hands held her firmly.

She looked up and was surprised and starstruck at first. The crush she had on that man was insane, but he was happily married with children, plus even if he didn't have all that, he was so high up in the hierarchy of this company, he was literally the face of WWE, in otherwords he was so out of her league. Or so she thought.

"Distracted are we?" He said with a warm smile.

"I'm.. I'm sorry, I didn't see you, I'm sorry.. sir" she stuttered with a blush starting to appear on her cheeks.

She bent down to pick her phone, which was still in one piece, thank god and before she could fully bend to get it, he beat her to it, took the phone and handed it to her.

"Yeah next time, let's watch where we are going,, it might be a flight of stairs and that could be dangerous"

"You are right... I'm sorry for everything sir... it won't happen again, have a nice day."

I said about to leave, before his hand held my arm to stop me.

"Don't call me Sir, my name's Joe, what's yours baby" he offered his hand

Her cheeks flushed red again and she looked down,

"My name's Amanda" she said putting hee hand on his already waiting hand and shaking it, if she didn't know better, she'd think he was crushing on her with the way he didn't want to let go of her hand.

She pulled out her hand and was about to turn and leave again when he stopped her,

"Why are you in a hurry Amanda. See I was just getting to know you. I've seen you in the company alot and I've seen what you do, and you are so good at it,"


Amanda's POV

I opened up my phone and checked the time, but before I could close it again he snatched it from my hold punched digits on it, and his phone pinged, before he gave it back to me.

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