One mistake 2 (edited)

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Royal Rumble 2020:

The day I dreaded finally came, Leia on the other hand was very ecstatic and although I was a nervous wreck, her happiness warmed my heart.

I had backstage passes for Leia to go see the superstars, I knew it was time for him to know of her existence.

The matches were so good, the way he was able to have a match and still be in the rumble and come out the second last was so surprising to me.

He was so hot and truth be told, I no longer regret that night, it was one of my favourite nights to be honest, I still reminisce about it, from time to time.

Well when the rumble ended, I went backstage, I bonded with alot of wrestlers and staff and it felt like the old times again.

I decided to bail on my initial plan by going to sasha and bayley's lockerroom to pass time so that my daughter could forget about meeting him, obviously luck wasn't on my side because we ran into him.

my child was a screaming mess when she saw him and she simply ran to him, while I stood there frozen in my place, my mind going blank. 

He bent down to my baby's level and she jumped on him.

"Behave Leia"

"No its OK, whats your name princess??

"My name is Leia Marie."

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful princess and is this your auntie??" He said tickling her sides earning a giggly squeal  from her.

"No thats my mommy" he froze too, and looked at me with an unreadable expression.

"Mommy huh?"  He said not breaking his sharp gaze on me.

"Yes" roman took his gloves out, signed it  and gave them to her.

He was now looking from my daughter to me, trying to make sense of the new development.

When I went to spill the truth his wife and daughter emerged from nowhere.

"There you are, hey I see you have company" his wife said as she greeted me and my daughter, she sort of seemed distant and very defensive.

"Gorgeous daughter you have"  she kept looking at Leia in the same strange look her husband did a moment ago. Were they picking up on the truth? I didn't want to find out so I took my daughter and left.

Back at the hotel,I tucked in Leia who was already asleep and sat down sighing as the events of that day played out in my head.

I was deep in my thoughts when a loud banging on my door brought me out of my trance. I was cautious at first, but after looking at the peephole I saw Joe's tall figure and opened the door.

"Hi, How did you even know we were here??"

Before I could speak some more he put his finger up shushing me.

"I didn't come here to play mind games or hide and seek cause that's what you are so into, I want us to talk."

He sat down and sighed

"Why did you ignore me? I decided to approach you and You had quit your job and left all the way to the other side of the country?"

"What was there to discuss joe?? Whatever happened, happened and us talking about it wasn't gonna solve anything."

"Oh so running from it was gonna solve it?"

"Yes, a few months after that incident, I found out that I was pregnant and I was determined to tell you, then I was informed that your wife was also expecting, there's no way I could have gone through with telling you about my pregnancy, it didn't seem right, so I decided to quit and leave, it was easier that way."

He sighed and hid his face in his palms then looked at me and chuckled, this was not a happy chuckle but an angry one.

"So all this time , you've had my child and didn't feel it was OK to tell me? We've been coming to LA for shows and never did you see it fit once to tell me about the existence of my daughter? I know me coercing you to have sex that night was a mistake but I deserved the chance to know about my child, woman."

"I am sorry for not telling you earlier but you gotta understand, you are a married man, if I had stayed longer people would have eventually found out. While you would have still kept your job as the top star of wwe, I would have lost my job because I am replaceable,I wasn't gonna let that happen, I had to protect myself."

" OK, let's say you left because you didn't want smoke, then why didn't you tell me after you got settled in your new place??"

"Because there was no need to, you had your family, if they knew it would be a huge drama and I didn't want that kind of an environment for my child."

After that he didn't say anything else, he just stood up slowly and left, I called after him to no avail.

Although I was sad at the outcome of this situation, I felt a sense of relief knowing that the baggage that came with holding this secret was gone.

A/N:  This would be good  as a whole book but I'm just not good at writing a full on book with one plot. Thank you for 30k+ reads though, you are the best.

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