Chapter Five: The Hybrid

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A/N: Hello! I'm back from the dead! Also, know as school and depression! I have an update for you guys and I'm sorry for taking a long ass break. I hope I can go back to updating once or twice a week.

"Who lives here?" Zion asked, staring at the cottage in front of him. Obviously, whoever lived here was the one who caused this mess. Or, of course, they were set up.

Ellette frowned as she looked upon the house before her. It belonged to Fabien, a demon-fae hybrid. His demon blood made him somewhat of an outcast among the pure fae; however, the princess tried her best to include him in their activities. Whenever she thought he was left out, she made sure to hang out with him despite the darkness in his blood.

"Fabien," she informed the mates. "His parents were a dark fae and a demon. They left him here when he was born. Then they left since them being mates weren't exactly accepted."

Malak wondered if this was why he felt darkness coming from the house. Was it just the aura from the being? The angel softly shook his head. The darkness wasn't an aura. That much the angel knew. The darkness he felt was something more. Something deeper. The darkness was his soul, and he was close by.

The young angel needed to talk to the young boy, though he still wasn't sure how to communicate with souls. Still, he had to try. Kneeling down, Malak stared the soul of the young boy in the eyes and softly spoke to him. He asked him a few questions but quickly realized the soul could only answer yes or no questions by shaking his head. Though it limited his questions, at least they could communicate.

"So, he wanted revenge?" The demon questioned.

She cautiously bit her lip. Fabien always seemed really kind to her. Of course, he never seemed too fond of the others. But she understood why. The other fae never let him in on anything. They all avoided him like the plague and yet her father did nothing. Nonetheless, he didn't seem like he could do something like this.

Ellette shook her head, "He wouldn't do this."

The second horseman watched from a short distance. He watched the trio since they entered but made sure to remain hidden as Francis sort of scared him. Seeing all the destruction he caused made the hybrid extremely happy. He didn't even have to fight in order to kill everyone. All he did was spread some rumors and they did the rest for him.

His plan caused his only friend, the princess, a great deal of pain. But it didn't matter to him. Despite the fact he actually liked her, the others deserved to die. At least he was kind of to spare her. She should be grateful but instead, she brought two outsiders with her to stop him.

Fabien decided now was the perfect time to reveal himself to the group. But him being himself, he needed to do it extravagantly.

Zion watched his mate carefully, ignoring the princess. She clearly didn't know anything useful and was in denial about her friend. In some way, she was like his angel. Betrayed by someone close to them that they trusted. Even though he wasn't too fond of her, or anyone for that matter, he hoped that she wouldn't end up like his angel. No one deserved that pain and mental torture.

And he didn't really want to take of her.

The little boy communicated everything he could to the angel. Fabien was indeed the one who caused all of this havoc. Apparently, he said something that caused this war, but the spirit wasn't able to communicate what was said. However, the spirit was able to inform the angel that the second horseman was still there. He had been watching from the shadow the entire time. Malak's heart dropped from fear as he went to warn his mate and Ellette. But it was too late.

Everyone tensed as the hybrid roughly grabbed the angel from behind, tightly holding his neck. The young being shut his eyes as past memories flashed in his mind forcing him to remember his terrible guardian. Seeing his mate like that and hearing his soft pained whimpers made the demon angry- no, angry wasn't the right word- he was furious. The minute his angel was safe, the hybrid was dead.

"You should've left this alone, Elle," the hybrid calmly spoke. His voice was smooth yet emotionless. It was clear he was apathetic to the situation he caused. He was unbothered by the fact he murdered hundreds of innocent beings. That caused shivers down the princess' spine.

A demonic growl left Zion's lips as his pitch-black eyes stared straight into Fabien's eyes. Most beings would be afraid, even demons who had a death wish. But the hybrid starred straight back. In his mind, nobody could hurt him. He truly believed he was the most powerful being who ever existed. His transition into his true form as the red horseman was happening right as he held the angel hostage. In a few minutes, the transition would be complete, and he would be able to influence more people. They'd believe anything he said which could cause more wars all over. The entire would be set on fire because of him.

The demon sneered, "Let go of my soulmate now." Zion's voice snapped Malak out of his flashbacks for a few seconds. He quickly realized the actual situation he was in. Though he wasn't with his guardian, Fabien wasn't a much better option. The poor angel wasn't very good at handling situations like this. He wasn't like the demon, who was trained and incredibly dangerous. All he knew how to do was take the pain given to him and hope he passed out quickly.

Chuckling, Fabien looked at the pathetic angel. How could a weak being like that be paired with the demon? It made no sense. Honestly, killing the angel would help the demon in the long run. The angel would only bring the demon down, making the demon weak and pathetic like him.

His grip tightened around the angel's neck as his claws dug deep into his skin. The angel cried out in pain, wishing he was in his demon's arms instead. The hybrid's claws dug so deep that Malak was afraid that he was going to die. His wings suddenly burst from his back, causing Fabien to fly back. The angel gasped in shock. He didn't mean for his wings to come out, but he was glad they did.

Quickly, the angel ran into his mate's arms. Both sighed in relief as Zion check his mate's neck. A dark bruise and some small bloody puncture wounds decorated the angel's skin; however, it would heal overnight as the angel slept. A weak groan caused their attention to snap towards the filthy hybrid.

The demon was still furious.

"How could you do this, Fabien?" She inquired weakly. Seeing the bruise on Malak's neck finally made the princess realize who her friend truly was. She thought they were close but clearly, she was wrong.

Fabien chuckled while getting up. His whole body ached but that wasn't going to stop him from killing all of them. "They deserved it," he answered like it was no big deal. "All of them were pretentious bastards."

Ellette softly shook her head as tears rolled down her face. "No one deserves to die. No one deserved this," she replied. Her voice was firm and loud. The pain she felt was clearly laced within every word. Francis, who had been hiding in the shadows like Fabien had been doing, heard the princess and decided to protect her. Slowly, he stalked towards the group of people, trying to figure out who was a threat and who wasn't.

"You're wrong. All of them deserved to die! All of them except you! I saved you because you aren't like them! You should be thankful," he tried to explain.

"How can I when you killed all my people? My friends! My family! You killed them all! Do you understand how much pain I am in? How it feels to lose everyone you loved? It's terrible!"

Malak and Zion weren't sure what to do. The demon still wanted to kill the hybrid, slowly and painfully. However, they both knew this needed to be handled by the other two. The princess' tarasque didn't think that at all. Hearing Fabien's confession was all he needed to hear in order for him to attack.

The beast leaped out in front of the trio, growling menacingly at the hybrid. This was the man who hurt his master. Nobody was allowed to hurt her and get away with it. Fabien shook slightly. His powers were still coming in but even if he was fully transitioned, he wasn't sure if they would work against Francis. Another growl ripped through the air as Francis ran towards the hybrid. The beast knocked Fabien down before clawing his chest. Fabien screamed out in pain, annoying Francis. He swiftly ripped out his throat with his bare teeth, effectively shutting up the hybrid. And killing him but Francis really only wanted him to shut up.

"Dear lord," Malak muttered, feeling a tad bit faint. His demon held his mate carefully in order to make sure he didn't fall. The scene before them was gruesome but that wasn't what bothered the demon.

Zion was still pissed at the hybrid. He hoped to be the one to kill the idiot. Sadly, Francis beat him to it. At least the second horseman was dead. Two dead, two more to go.

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