Chapter Fifteen: Fun in the Sun

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Flying was something the fae wasn't used to. At first, it was incredibly hard even with the feather. However, Malak helped her learn to balance, fly straight, turn, etc. Flying was less hard then, but still awkward for the fae. If only she were a couple hundred years older, then it'd be easier. Even if she was a few years older- two years to be exact, she'd be five hundred which was the age many faes could size shift. She'd be tiny enough to fit in someone's pocket. But for now, she had to stick with the feather that she had to lick.

For the angel and demon, flying was better than the car. It wasn't cramped or stuffy, so their bodies weren't aching, and it was faster, cutting the trip down into just two hours. Malak was struggling a bit, not as much as Ellette though. The only being used to flying long distances was Zion and he only focused on his angel, making sure he was okay.

Though the flight was rough with the two inexperienced flyers, everyone knew that it was the best way to travel. Any other way would be torturous. Even so, once the beaches came to view, everyone was thankful to be on land again. The shortest being starred in amazement at the beach.

The water was a beautiful bluish-green color, the light made the water shin. The sand was golden brown, and clean thankfully. It was warm to the touch which felt good on Malak's bare feet: he still despised shoes. There were a lot of chunky white birds with yellow beaks and a mean stare. The angel made note to stay away from them, unless they were like his friend, Duck.

The best part of the beach, however, was the lack of people. At least, according to Zion that was the best part. Yes, he was willing to suffer through it for his angel, but he was relieved he didn't have to.

"This is nice, Zye. Thank you," Malak said in admiration. He stood up on his tiptoes to reach the demon's lips with his own. While kissing back, Zion sneakily grabbed his mate's waist and lifted him up a bit. The angel lightly squealed, wrapping his legs around his mate's waist and arms around his neck to study himself. Both loved to be this close.

Neither would ever admit it, but they weren't able to feel completely whole if they weren't touching in some way. This feeling was getting worse as their time went on without them fully bounding. It started to feel like a tug in their chests, pulling them together. Neither knew that without bounding, the tug would get worse: harder, more painful, and more irresistible.

But for now, everything was perfect for the two. Neither one moved from the other's grasp. Not like Zion could, his mate was wrapped around him like a monkey. That thought made him chuckle softly, causing his angel to curiously look at him with his beautiful doe eyes.

"You remind me of a monkey, Angel," Zion whispered in his ear. Malak shook his head and giggled. His demon was weird sometimes, but that was okay. He liked his weird, cute, demon.

The fae looked at the mates solemnly. She tried her best not to be jealous, but it was so hard. Her mate was now hours away from her, making her feel off. Thankfully, they hadn't kissed. Leaving your mate for this long after you've bounded would cause anyone to fall into a depression. Nothing would make them feel whole until they were back. And if they were separated long enough, the bond would create excruciating pain for both of them. It was the only warning they got before their bond broke. A broken bond only ended one way: Death.

Sighing, Ellette decided to stand in the water. Her mind was drifting way too far for her comfort. Ellette would see her mate soon. Right after the last horseman was killed, she promised herself. Forcing her attention away from the angel and demon, she stared blankly at the water, hoping to clear her head of any thoughts of the beautiful witch she met.

However, everyone was broken out of their thoughts when they heard a loud, high-pitched scream.

The trio quickly ran towards the sound. The mates weren't too happy to be interrupted. Both wanted- needed to relax. But, despite Zion's protests, Malak decided to help whatever was being screamed.

The being in trouble looked similar to Zion, except a bit taller, more muscular, and lighter. He even had a similar aura to the fallen angel, but something about his aura was slightly off. None of the beings could identify what he was. But despite how strong and capable he appeared, the strange being was being attacked by something even more dangerous.

The beast looked like an ox on a lot of testosterone and every single drug known to humankind. Its thighs and stomach were huge and muscular. Everything about it screamed Its eyes trained on the strange being, not intimated at all.

Zion and Ellette recognized the beast as a behemoth, a being so strong that it's rumored that only God can stop it. Malak didn't need to know what it was to know that the beast was incredibly strong. He could sense it and the chaos it holds within. Someone had to destroy it quickly before the beast is truly set loose. Nothing will be able to stop it then. Nothing except God, but he didn't really like to intervene.

"Ellette," the angel called softly. "Zion and I will distract the creature while you help the other being."

Ellette nodded and quickly walked towards the strange being, while Zion looked at his angel weirdly and scoffed, "You aren't going near that thing. I'll handle it. You just need to stay safe." Then he walked off to do his self-assigned task. Malak didn't even get the chance to talk back, but it didn't matter. He'd help anyway. He'd prove himself to his mate; though, he really didn't need to. His mate wasn't underestimating him, instead, he was trying to protect him.

The fae carefully helped the strange being up and away from the beast, who was now focused on the mates. Zion hadn't noticed his angel as he was trying to get angry, which wasn't very hard for him to do. But the angel had already summoned his power and was ready to fight. However, he stopped for a second. He had already killed a being earlier and wasn't too fond of killing anything else.

Instead, he decided to send it straight to Hell. Something angels couldn't do, but if what Lucifer implied was true, Malak could do it. The angel took a deep breath and focused on the ground below the waiting beast. Unlike before where he used his powers to move objects around, he aimed it right below the demon. The ground slowly cracked due to the force as the angel forced it open. The beast shook, starting to move forward, but before he could, he fell straight into the ground. Consumed by the fiery pits of Hell and dragged by guardian demons. The fire was too bright for the strange being and the fae, causing both of them to look away.

A few seconds later, the beast was completely consumed, the fire died out, the ground closed, and everyone had questions.

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