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Warning- violent scenes ahead and character death.

Things move slowly as Jasper turns, the noise is overwhelming as he ducks another vampires attack. They are fighting with everything they have to put a stop to this, to end the pain and suffering but yet these vampires are relentless.

He can feel his body fatigue as he battles his way through, he's lost contact and view of mostly everyone by now and that causes concern to rise in his chest. He hadn't heard anything through the pack link from Harry, nor the others. He also hadn't heard a thing from Saffi.

He sighs as he rips the heart of the savage vampire before him, too far gone to now bring back to normality . He turns again hearing her voice calling for him. He can see her clearly now, surrounded by vampires targeting her for the magic she has running through her veins. He can see the fear in her eyes, it causes his heart to stop as he begins his run towards her. Watching her face and finally seeing the beating she's taken, the blood from her split lip and the bruising across her cheek.

He speeds up as she blasts the vampire back once more cresting space around her

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

He speeds up as she blasts the vampire back once more cresting space around her. They lock eyes and his heart drops. His brain short circuiting as he finally understands the fear in her eyes. He curses trying to shove his way through the battle. He knew he should never have left her side, she had told him, tried to prepare him for what her vision had told her and yet he refused to see it. Refused to believe it might actually be true. She had never been wrong before but he had truly wished she would be this occasion.

Just as he's within touching distance of her. He sees her eyes close briefly a soft tear escaping from her eyes and running down her cheeks as she connect eyes with him for the final time

"I'm sorry... I love you" she manages to mouth the words before a vampire jumps from behind with a knife raised ready to cut her beautiful skin. Jasper can only watch as he sees the waterfall of red begin to cascade down her front. His throat closes preventing him from screaming in his anguish. He catches her limp body into his arms cradling her softly, whispering her name praying that will awaken her. He barely recognises Zayn taking out the vampires around them. His focus truly and only on his sweet love

He stares at her closed eyes and peaceful face

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

He stares at her closed eyes and peaceful face. Pulling her closer waiting to feel the warmth he normally did but he feels nothing, his mind is torn and broken, his heart no longer beating within his chest, his body unmoved and his eyes open, staring, waiting for one glimpse of life. But it doesn't come, he knows it won't. She had warned him. Had told him she would die in this battle, he hadn't listened- assumed she would find a way- like she always had.

"J... we've got to go? Jasper... the vampires" he hears the voice but ignores it as he stays seated

"J... please the vampires are..." he stands feeling rage in his body as he turns towards Zayn

"I don't care about the vampires. She is dead"

His voice is loud and booming causing Zayn to flinch back as his eyes sadden

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

His voice is loud and booming causing Zayn to flinch back as his eyes sadden. "She's dead" he repeats now the words broken between his sobs

"J" Zayn gently touches his shoulder "I'm so sorry. I'm soo sorry I wasn't quick enough but don't let her death be in vein... she wanted to win this... so let's with this for her"

And although he feels nothing at all, he knows he doesn't want anyone else to die tonight and so as he gently covers her body and lays protection crystals around her, he lets his overwhelming emotions hit him full force. He allows himself to go rogue. Tearing through every moving object.... every threat he rips apart. He feels cuts, scraps and bruises as he goes but it doesn't stop him. He continues until there is nothing left for him, until there is no one left.

He feels a shift in the air and quickly howls loudly and painfully, before he trots back to his love. He gently lays by her side whimpering in pain of her loss... waiting and praying to die... just so he can be with her once more.

And so with that thought he sends one last prayer to the only one who can help him

I feel a shift within the atmosphere as Lumi grabs my face making me look into her eyes. Her face shows concern and fear as her mouth moves, I hadn't even realised I was laid on the floor. I blink rapidly before things come back into focus

"Athena... baby look at me. Come back to me" I can hear the desperation within Lumi's voice as I finally hear the words.

I slowly push myself up to a seated position to look around our surroundings. The hallway looks like it's been torn apart, holes blasted into the walls and furniture now collapsed, bodies darted around with pools of blood. I gasp at the mess before I look back to lumi.

She pushes the hair from my face "it's okay darling... let's get you stood up"

"What happened?" I whisper as I lean on her for support

"I'm not sure A... we let Harry out and then we got ambushed by a bunch of savage vamps.... you took them all out"

"Wait... I - I did this?" I look around again in shock, finally understanding why I felt so shaky

"Yeah babe... you really did all of this" as Lumi's words end.... I hear a loud almost broken shout

"Athenaaaaa" my body shudders and I am grabbing Lumi before appearing in front of the castle

I gasp at the sight before me falling back into Lumi who manages to hold me up.

"Please... please save her" he sobs, tears racing down as he clings to the women on the floor. I can feel my heart breaking as I watch the man before me break and fall apart completely.

I fall onto the wet ground splashing muddy water everywhere as I do. My mouth agape as my heart pounds and my hands shake... I already know there is nothing I can do but as I feel tears fall down my face I reach my shaking hands out summoning the Crystal, holding it over her body and push everything I can into healing the woman who helped save me, helped guide me and helped build me up.

I push and push until my body is violently shaking and convulsing. I hear others around me telling me to stop, yelling for me to but I don't stop, I continue to push and push until my vision blacks out and I am falling fast to the ground.

The end

What are your thoughts?

There will be one final part....

Nightfall Bond. L.SNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ