Chapter 8

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Hi lovelies... hope you enjoy... x

The knock brings them out of their comforting silence. Startling them both as they scurry back to the bed they had shared the night before. Sitting themselves next to each other as they watch the door slowly open.

"Hi... is it okay that we come in?" They relax slightly at seeing Saffi's smiling face

Nodding hesitantly they try to remain calm. They had spent a while talking the night before and they had both agreed to try but yet it's proving difficult.

Saffi, Harry and Lumi enter the room carefully, being mindful of how skittish the pair are and not wanting to scare them.

"We spoke with the doctors and they said you'll be well enough to continue recovery in a better room. So we were thinking we show you both to your rooms and then maybe if your feeling up to it we can show you around the pack" Harry keeps his voice calm and soft as his eyes scan over his mate

Athena shares a look with Louis, one shining with love and encouragement as she nods in agreement to their suggestion. She stands from the bed, Louis following closely behind.

"No one touches her" Louis voices what he knows Athena was concerned about

Lumi's eyes darken slightly at the demand and Louis thinks she will punish him for speaking out of turn.

"No one will lay a finger on her. We promise" her voice is fierce, as if promising punishment to anyone that goes against her words

After a small moment of silence Harry clears his throat motioning to the door as he slowly walks out. They follow intrigued to see the house they'd been in for the first time. Surprisingly the area look bright and clean.

They marvel at the large modern kitchen as they walk past the island, and into the open planned living room decked out with huge sofas and TVs. Finally they reach the stairs where they begin their slow walk up the grand staircase.

Entering the room Louis grasps at the size and beauty of the room. The wall all windows looking out onto the forest and what looks to be a large lake. It's simplicity is something Louis loves. He's never had much in life.

"This will be your room Louis." Saffi's voice snaps him out of his admiring gaze

"What? No we want to be together" he quickly states

"Louis... this room will be yours and Athena's will be next door. You will both share a bathroom so you have your own space but are together. It's important you have this room because It's erm... it used to be mine but I'll be in the one next door. We need to be close because of the bond and you being surrounded by my scent will help."

Louis stares for a few moments at Harry, at his beloved, he didn't force him to share a room. He gave him his own and kept in mind how he would want to be close to Athena. He's truly showed caring and that shocked Louis.

"Oh.. Erm thank you. We appreciate it"

The longer Louis stares, the longer he feels the warmth heating up his chest spreading through his body. His heart calling for him to cuddle into Harry's alluring chest and stay there. He wanted to feel safe and secure, he wanted happiness and joy, he wanted it all but he is terrified. He didn't know how he could trust anyone again.

The simple thought terrifies him so he quickly looks away back to Athena whom grasps his hand. Squeezing tightly, immediately he feels comforted and his body calms down from the panicking sensation he was beginning to feel.

"You said you'd show us around the pack?" Athena's voice is small as she tries to lighten the atmosphere

They are quickly led back down to the front of the house before exiting into a clearing. Louis looked around as he sure more houses dotted around, some secluded surrounded by trees and others close together, it looks like a community in the middle of nowhere.

His eyes dart around again as he hears children playing but unable to see them clearly.

"They're probably playing in the park we have. We're a good hour from the nearest town, so we try and provide everything here. We've got the park, a pack school, cafe/bakery, restaurant and we are always looks to add more. As wolves we like to be within the pack, it's where we feel safest and secure so it makes it easier to stay as close to pack grounds as possible and away from humans" Louis looks round to Harry listening to his explanation, he hadn't known that about wolves.

"You make it sound like we can't possibly go without each other" Lumi laughs "we just like to be private and in the pack... we follow different laws to those humans and even vampires do"

Louis nods slowly to show his understanding, there weren't any laws for the vampires to follows once his uncle took over... simply obey him or die.

"I think we should show them the lake... it is the most beautiful part of the pack lands" Saffi suddenly speaks with an excited undertone

Athena's eyes light up at the thought of water. She loves it and she loves swimming. Water is a powerful source for most witches but especially her. She can draw power from all elements but water has always called to her.

They follow silently as they walk through the trees listening to the happiness that bounced around the pack. They both gasp as they finally make it through the thickness of the trees to a clearing leading to the lake. The sight is simply breathtaking.

As they all stand for some moment admiring the silent beauty of this location, Louis turns his head as he hears whispers from the trees

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As they all stand for some moment admiring the silent beauty of this location, Louis turns his head as he hears whispers from the trees.

He can see Athena drawing close to the water closely followed by Saffi and Lumi. While Harry sits himself down to simply look out upon the water.

Louis curses in his head as he hears more, finally making out a cry.

Harry won't like it if we run

I know but..

But we have to... someone's hurt

As the conversation draws to a close he taps into his vampire speed sharing a brief glance with Athena whom is now watching with concern before he is racing off so fast he doesn't even hear them calling him back.

Oh no!!

What do you think he heard?

How will the others react to him leaving?

What's next?

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