Chapter 20

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Hi lovelies... enjoy....

As they journey through the darkened forest, tripping over the occasional root. It feels as if they have all been walking for days but yet it's been 2 hours.

Louis sighs for the tenth time "how much further A?" He's seconds away from taking up his mates offer of a piggy back. It's not really that he's tired but nervous. He's scared of what they will find and what will happen once they get to their destination. This could all go so terribly wrong.

"Not long Lou, wait... is that?" She pauses as she stays into a clearing coming up, everyone turns to where she's looking and as they peek through the trees they see a nice clearing with a homey looking cabin

 is that?" She pauses as she stays into a clearing coming up, everyone turns to where she's looking and as they peek through the trees they see a nice clearing with a homey looking cabin

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Lights are on and the fire outside is lit, everyone slowly walks there way closer to the cabin door. As they reach two steps away they feel paralysis come over their bodies, unable to move.

A woman appears before them. Everyone gasps as they stare at her.

"But wait what?" Harry stammers as he turns to look at Lumi tightening her hold on Athena's hand before looking back at the identical woman before her

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"But wait what?" Harry stammers as he turns to look at Lumi tightening her hold on Athena's hand before looking back at the identical woman before her

"Don't be alarmed... my name is Aphrodite, it is forbidden for anyone to see my true face. I simply take on the form of someone you all trust" the woman explains her voice different to Lumi's, it's soothing and calm.

Everyone looks to Lumi again as she to looks around, looking taken aback by the trust everyone holds in her.

"Now children... why are you at my home?" She questions looking at them all, eyes stopping upon Louis. Her eyes look as if she already knows the answer

"We... erm we've been trying to find someone, contact them but we found you've been blocking us" Athena explains

"Ahhh... yes I have. Why are you trying to contact Rebecca?" the woman looks around again but once again looking as if she knows the answer. Her eyes meet Louis' and for a moment that pain he's been feeling fades, he watches as her eyes sadden before looking away. That gaping hole left by his father soon returning but not nearly as painful.

Nightfall Bond. L.STempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang