May We Get Down, Make Love, Doc?

Start from the beginning

*Brian's POV*

  "Damn..." I said breathlessly.
  He was not like anything I have seen on my screen before. I have always thought watching human sex on a screen is already the best thing in the world. Well, not until you have actually lived it.
  I smashed my whole body into him, leaving almost no gaps in between us. I needed to taste him again, maybe even more this time. I stretched my tongue into his mouth harder than last time, sniffing in hard with my nose, taking in his scent. He both smelled and tasted delicious, irresistible and addictive.
  I could feel how vulnerable he is right now. He was completely under my control at the moment. He never protested or questioned anything I did or said, he would just be looking at me with tired-looking eyes, taking in whatever I gave him.
  So that is how I knew it was time to take everything downwards. I kissed him almost in a perfect straight line. From his lips, to his neck, to his chest, and finally to his lower stomach.
  I lingered there for quite a while, loving his reaction. He looked down at me with his eyes squinting slightly with his pupils dilated, producing small noises from his slightly parted lips.
  I licked my lips at the thought of his face once I used this invention of mine on him. He would look so gorgeous that I might have to take a few pictures myself later on.
  I stretched my arm, grabbing my camera and placed it by my side, ready for any beautiful moments I might need to capture.
  Then, I took the machine and activated it to a slow speed, putting it only enough to stimulate his tip.
  He arched his back, moaning out from the pleasure. His eyebrows were scrunched up, and he would sometimes roll or thrust his hips.
  I snapped a few good photos, liking his reaction. His cheeks were getting pinker and so were his lips. When he bit his lip and moaned, I could feel myself mimicking his actions. He was so damn hot.
  I slid the machine even deeper. Though I didn't increase the speed of it, his reactions still got stronger. I looked at him, so deep into the pleasure. So much that I wanted some myself. I have been noticing his thighs for a while now. They looked really lickable, so I buried my face into one of his thighs and sucked on the skin.
  His legs were trying to close up, but "too bad" he was all straddled up. I could have access to every body part on him without having to do the hard work of keeping someone still while you do the magic.
  I gave hickeys to both his thighs. They tasted as yummy as they looked. Soft and bouncy, almost hairless, and easy to leave marks on.
  I increased the speed of the machine, wanting him to go over the edge and get some new exciting photos for me to look at and for my gallery to save.
  I tried to increase the pleasure by moving my hand up and down, making every second create a new sensation for him.
  I bet he was in another world during those moments. He had his eyes closed and mouth wide opened, steam was coming off of his body from all the heat and sweat that he produced. He said nothing so far ever since I kissed him on the lips.
  I would also say that he had a great effect on me. His scent is what made me so weak in the knees. He smelled so nice, like... him. I have never smelled anything so fresh before. I have also never been able to come in contact with a person from my screen, not until now.
  His reactions gave me a mind-fuck, but a good one. When he was feeling all these, I felt like I was sharing the pleasure with him. I could feel myself mimicking the way his mouth moved when he moans, or how he twisted his head sometimes.
  His body got tense and moved less as time passed, I knew he was getting close to his own release. I continued with what I originally planned to do, but in the end decided to finish things off on my own.
  I got the machine out of the way and started pumping it with my hand as fast as I can. Within seconds, he moaned out loudly and shot a load which I caught with my other hand.
  I quickly got the, whatever you call that, substance into a nearby tube that was empty. I would love to experiment with this and also have a beautiful memory of this particular moment.
  His chest heaved, trying to catch his breath as he stayed limp, looking exhausted. I pulled up his pants and let him rest there fully clothed.
  Even though I didn't get the picture, I got whatever got shooted out from him. It was from him, a piece of him that I would be able to take with me forever before I release him from my lab.
  Thinking about that, I felt sad but yet relieved. I wouldn't want to make someone stay for my own purposes. He came here first to find help, and I would give it to him, because he also "did" me a favor.
  Though it sounds sad, I think that I am used to being alone here in lonely space. Doing my own projects no one would never know of and doing research on these humans who would never know I even existed. So many long hours in the lab with my only living look-alikes, my tube of Mayniacs, to be my friends that are actually alive.
  I looked at Roger, who fell asleep on the piece of metal. That must've been very uncomfortable, so I took the straps off and carried him to my bedroom.
  I laid him on my bed, admiring his features. He looked like a doll that you would want to hug all night during bedtime.
  I got into my pyjamas and slid both me and him under the blankets. I touched and kissed all over his face, not wanting to waste any moment to be with him. I placed one of my legs over him, hugging him like a giant pillow. Burying my face into his hair, smelling the goodness of this boy as I fell into my slumber.

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