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  AU: This was inspired by the movie "Secretary."

*Roger's POV*

  "Come into my office with your letter right now," my telephone rang. My boss is calling me. His tone seemed so serious this time. Did I do something wrong again? Was it about the coffee I made not being right? Or was it another typo? I hope I don't get fired because of typos, this is the first job that I genuinely had a better pay. Damn my ignorance.

  I should get going, before this whole situation gets even worse. I know I shouldn't dread myself, but this job sometimes really is a pain in the ass. Typing with typewriters, hard to find where each binder is, my mental problems.

  "And bring your letter," the telephone rang again. I really should get going. I stood up, grabbed my letter, and walked my way down to his office.

  I tried to stand straight, but I couldn't, my trembling legs and arms were giving up on me. I felt like a small child about to show his bad grade to his strict parents.

  I soon stood in front of the big brown door with a golden handle. There were stone statues on both sides of the door. It looked like the door to hell. Why should a boss' office door look so intimidating?

  Terrified, I took a deep breath and mumbled some encouragement for myself and opened the door. I looked at my boss who sat on a leather chair behind the huge wooden desk.

  "Lock the door and stand in front of me," he ordered. I locked the door and walked to his desk slowly, not wanting to be closer to the man I feared.

  I stopped my feet in front of his desk and looked at anything but the man who had his eyes on me. The shine of the desk, the red pens in the trash bin, the way the name tag "Mr. Brian May" on the left of his desk glimmered in gold.

  "Look at me," he said with a stern voice. I jumped quite a bit when he said that and I lifted my head up to look at him.

  We both looked at each other for a while. It was so hard to look at him in the eyes I started tearing up. The silence in this room at the moment was so deafening that I think my fast heartbeat could be heard.

  Suddenly he stood up and walked behind me. He just stood there, making me shiver even more, what exactly was he going to do?

  "Put the letter on the desk, bend over, put your hands on the desk, and read the letter out loud." I was confused with the whole sentence he just said, it took me a while to understand what he wanted me to do.

  I started to get into action. Put the letter on the desk, bend over, put my hands on the desk, and read the letter out loud. Simple, I guess.

  I looked down to where the letter was placed, and prepared my voice to read the letter.

  "Dear, Mr.McCartney," I read. The first word came out more shivery than I expected, but this will just have to do. I can't lose this job at this moment. Not right now.

  "We saw your advertisement in the 'Metal Worker'," then I felt a hard smack on my right ass cheek.

  I was so shocked that I stopped, looking back up, frozen. Is this OK? Did I just get spanked by my own boss?

  "Ummm..." unsure about this whole situation, I was speechless and only able to get out a sound. But he grabbed the hair behind my head and forced it back to facing the letter. I winced and got commanded by my boss,"Continue."

  I felt like crying. I felt really small and humiliated. But the show must go on, I had to continue reading the letter.

  "A few days ago and interested in your steel products. Another slap on the same spot. I bit my lip, not trying to make any cries of pain.

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