Put Your Head On My Shoulder

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  *Brian's POV*

  "Are you ready to come out?" I shouted towards the car.
  Roger sometimes is a pain in the ass. You really need to have A LOT more patience than him if you want to date him. So stubborn, so angry, like a little chihuahua that wouldn't let go of you.
  "No!" Roger said, crossing his arms. "I don't wanna do this. This is not cool!"
  "Bruh, I can't even dance and I brought you out here. Please, let's just have a once-in-a-life-time prom."
  He furrowed his eyes and turned his head away from me. Frustrated, I sighed, trying to not lose my cool.
  I went back into the car, trying to cheer Roger up.
  "Rog, come on! I'll be sure to guide you in every little thing. Nobody will be watching us."
  "Nobody will be watching two guys dancing? We never told anyone about us yet, how could I be relaxed?"
  I sighed again. I should've told some of my closest friends before the prom. Freddie, John, Mary, Dominique... someone.
  I saw some tears forming in his eyes. I was afraid to make him upset that he would start crying. I had to think of a way to make this date work.
  "How about... we can just go to the side and drink punch all night long, then when everybody leaves, we can have the whole space dedicated to us?"
  His eyebrows softened and his frown went away.
  "OK, sounds like a plan."
  He started smiling, reaching his hand out to me, wanting me to walk him out the car. Honestly, what a baby.
  We walked into the prom. Lights flashing everywhere, music all around, people dancing, drinking, or just fooling around. What a nice looking party.
  We didn't spot Freddie and the others yet, so we just went along with the plan and went straight to the side bar.
  There, we drank cups of punch, chatted, no, shouted through the loud noises in the environment. Sometimes, I had to try to read his lips since I couldn't hear any word he just said.
  When we gave up on talking, we started watching the people. Just then, a familiar tune started to play.
  "Put your head on my shoulder~"
  The couples started holding each other, swaying to the beat. Some of them were even making out during the song. If only Roger and I could do it like this.
  I pursed my lips, having the thought of not ever being an open couple, always having your partner fear coming out of the closet.
  I was really wanting to get this out tonight, but Roger wasn't, so I didn't force him to. It is our own freedom to decide and if one doesn't want to yet, then that means waiting until that moment when the person is ready.
  Just as I was deep in thought I got frightened by a smack in the shoulder.
  "Hey, Maggie, how you hanging?" Freddie said. Maggie is a name he gave me. He said that both me and Roger have these feminine-feel to us so he gave both of us feminine pronouns. Roger's feminine name is Liz.
  "Got a nice looking ass, huh?"
  After saying that, he smacked Roger's ass. My defensive boyfriend mode almost exploded, but I didn't attack Freddie because it would give us away. But I sure will get that dude back.
  Freddie and the others, John, Mary and Dominique, decided to go to the dancefloor when the song was changed into a fast tempo pop song.
  We continued to stay at the side, snacking and drinking. We haven't really said anything to each other ever since we have walked into the party.
  I looked over to Roger, he seemed bored. His body was moving but his eyes were just staring straight ahead. I wonder if he was thinking or just having a blank brain.
  Suddenly, Roger said, "I really liked that song."
  He was still staring straight ahead, sipping on his drink.
  "You mean the pop song?"
  "No," he turned his and looked me in the eyes, "the slow song that was played before."
  "Oh, you mean 'Put Your Head On My Shoulder'."
  He nodded his head, already looking as if it took me a long time to get what he just said. I ignored his short-tempered attitude and continued to stand there beside Roger in silence. I knew the situation at that time was hard for him. He just needed some time to cool off.
  As I watched Freddie and John dance a rehearsed dance, while everyone was clapping and laughing, I felt myself getting kind of bored. I fidgeted with my suit, and finally decided to go outside and do my on going research. Anyway, there is nothing better to do if I just stand here all night.
  "Roger, I'm going to go outside, just at the back of the school." I paused for a while, thinking if I needed to add anything. "Look for me there if you need anything."
  He nodded, not looking at me. I started to walk towards the door, passing many people. I picked up my pace as I felt the sudden urge to cry coming up on me.
  The world was suddenly blurry, the noises in the world suddenly got drowned out. The laughter of the people wasn't happy at all.
  I finally was outside of the whole party. My tears came rolling down. I tried to make my breathing more controlled and suppress it as much as possible.
  I could feel some people passed by, probably thinking of me as a weird drunk person.
  I was curled into a small ball, crouching on the ground. My breathing started to slowly turn normal again. I opened my eyes.
  Looking up to the sky, seeing the lights all around. They were very pretty. I looked at the pavement, it was covered in silver.
  The lights everywhere were shining in my eyes, but somehow I didn't feel anyhow comforted.
  Maybe I just had too many feelings about this. So much to hold onto just to hide. I felt really terrible hanging on to these invisible chains and walking around everyday without being able to hold his hand.
  I stopped crying completely, but my whole body felt lifeless, and I didn't feel like doing my research anymore. My mind was filled with so many things at once it was hard to focus on anything.
  I looked around and saw nobody around. I was glad that Roger didn't come look for me. I looked pathetic crying over something this small. Besides, I need to look strong for him.
  I took in a few deep breaths until I felt like I was okay going back inside to where the people are.
  Dragging my heavy body, I got inside, straightening my body as much as possible, putting on the best smile I could manage.
  I found out that the place isn't as crowded as before. But most people were probably done dancing and decided to just hang out with friends on the side.
  I spotted Roger talking to our group of friends. As I approached them, Freddie began to wave to me.
  "Hey, darling Maggie! Come join us."
  He patted me on the shoulder, pulling me in closer. It felt like home, to be honest. After feeling like you have been lost, coming to a group of people who wouldn't interrogate you with impossible questions, just giving you the company and comfort that you needed.
  The conversation took a rollercoaster. We went from talking about Freddie's new design, to Roger's car, to school, to politics, then to games, specifically truth or dare.
  We played for a few rounds and I was dared by Deaky to pretend to propose to the person on my left, which happened to be Roger. I pretended to search for my pocket and pulled out an invisible ring, kneeled down on one knee, and said out the famous four words.
  "Will you marry me?"
  Everyone was on the side laughing and clapping their hands, pretending that they were so touched they cried. Little did they know how much I wished I would be able to do that in the near future.
  I could see that Roger's eyes lit up when he saw me kneeling down and "proposing" to him. I couldn't see whether he was flustered or not, but I was pretty sure that he was, and the thought made me all happy inside.

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