Oh, God, Yes!

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AU: I hope I don't end up in hell because of this. XD This story includes forbidden sex in the Catholic Church. So if you don't like it, please look forward to the other one shots. :)

*Roger's POV*

Mass was really boring. I had to try and keep myself alive because I'm on the altar, serving God.
I just don't get it. Why do we have to wake up at 6am in the morning just to get to church feeling like a zombie and being forced to "be good" by your parents?
I mean, I love God. When things go wrong, he is always there to remind me that things happen with a reason. It kind of makes me able to live with my insufferable 8 year-old sister, Clare. I couldn't believe that I survived living under the same roof as her for at least 17 years of my life. Damn, what a champion I am.
But being forced is just terrible. No matter if you like the thing they told you to do.
Things happen with a reason.

"The mass has ended."
"Thanks be to God."
The two sentences that I long to hear. Finally able to get myself out of this alb and play around with my fellow friends, Freddie and Deaky. Honestly, I think Deaky is pretty impressive. I've never really caught him complaining about Sunday services, unlike me or Freddie, who just speak our minds loudly.
"'It's snack time my dears," Freddie said while we were in the sacristy changing into our normal outfits. "What do you guys wanna do today?"
I really didn't know what I wanted to do, so I just shrugged, and Deaky followed my movement after we both looked toward him.
"Um... How about we... Oh, hey, father!" Freddie said. Me and Deaky turned our heads back and waved to father, who was smiling back at us.
"Hey, kids! What'cha up to these days?" Father asked. He really seems like a cool guy. I've known him since I was a child. He would sneak up candy for the altar servers from time to time, and also gave us cool stuff during our confessions.
"Nothing. Just studies and tests and homework." Freddie said and made a "dead" face. We all laughed. He really is such a goofer. Unafraid to be himself in front of anybody.
"Well, hope you guys do a good job in your studies." Father said. "By the way, I need Roger's help right now, and you guys can go first because this might take a while."
I widened my eyes in surprise. Another Sunday service... Really, father? I thought you were cool.
The other two snickered, while father narrowed his eyes. There must've been something wrong with the look on my face. Yeah, I get angry pretty easily, and I was certain that it was showing at that moment. So I tried to force a small smile and answered to father,"Of course father, anything you need. Bye guys, guess I'll see you later."
My friends didn't stop laughing while they walked to the door and waved their hands at me. These rotters.

Now that I'm left alone with father in the sacristy, I felt pretty awkward. We were standing pretty close, facing each other. We were so close that I could smell his cologne just by breathing normally. It was also very silent, too. I could hear his breathing. He was also staring down at me with a smile on his face like I'm some kind of prey. It was pretty uncomfortable that I had to look the other way.
It was too awkward for me to bear so I had to break the silence. "Father, isn't there something that you wanted me to help you with?"
He chuckled, which sent shivers down my spine, and said,"Ah, yeah, there is. But I have to say this first. You look gorgeous today."
That was unexpected. Did I look so good that father had to stare at me for quite a while? "Um, thanks? I guess." I really didn't know what to say.
"There's no need to be so shy. You look really good today." He touched my left shoulder and glided his hand down, along my arm.
This isn't like him, but I didn't really feel that weirded out anymore. I know that he just wanted to be nice and give out compliments to people. Maybe the touch was meant for comforting me 'cause I looked frightened. And it worked.
I loosened up and asked father once again,"So, what do I need to help you with?"
He pursed his lips, as if he was embarrassed to ask help for whatever he needs it for. "This might be a little too much to ask for, but can you help me clean up the toilet in the sacristy?"
"Sure, no problem. Let's do it now?" I said without really thinking. I knew it would take up a lot of time, but I can't see myself turning down father in any situation. I can play with my friends next time, and my parents will be delighted if they knew I was doing a sacrifice at God's church. Plus, I get to spend some alone time with father. Maybe he was cool after all.
"Great, that's the spirit Roger! Now, I'll need to take this off first before I go off and join you." He scurried off to the dressing room.

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