Daddy's Schoolboy

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  Brian was a high school teacher teaching physics to 10th graders. All the students loved him. Well, all the girls. Some boys hate the fact that the girls they like went wild whenever Mr. May was around.

  "Oh, my God. It's Mr. May!"
  "Huh! Girls be looking at this guy like he's a god."

  Roger was one of the boys who didn't like Brian very much. He always wanted to talk to the girl, Dominique, but he was too shy to do so. And ever since Brian came into their school to teach, the chances of winning her seemed to be hopeless.

  "Let's just go somewhere else, Fred, John. I don't think I can stand to see this guy again," Roger said to his best friends, Freddie and John. They both were very supportive of him as friends should be, which Roger was grateful about.

  "But don't you think he's hot though?" Freddie said. Roger gave him an annoyed look and said, "Hot? Have you lost your mind?"

  "Come on, Rog. Can't you see? He's got class!"

  "Of course he does. He's a teacher."
  Freddie nearly gave up at that point to change Roger's mind about their teacher. "What is your next period, Rog?" Freddie asked even though he dead knew.

  "Fucking physics," Roger said with a stank face. He wasn't really excited, because Dominique was in this physics class, too. He couldn't help but feel terrible at the way she looked at their teacher. Why couldn't she look at his way like that, too?

  "That's it, darling! You can be his friend and ask him questions about how to be a real charmer like a grown man," Freddie said dramatically. At first, Roger thought he was joking. But after looking at John, who was quietly standing on the side, just nodding his head to confirm that this was true.

  Roger then thought about it for a while, and decided that it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot. Besides, it will also be sort of a vengeance.

  "OK. But I'll only try this one time," Roger said. "Now that's the spirit, darling!" Freddie patted Roger's back.

  Their break time was almost over, the three boys moved their feet quickly to where their classes are, just like the other students.

  When Roger got to his seat, he took out all of his stuff onto the table and set one goal in this class, be friends with the one he hated.

  As soon as Mr. May walked into the classroom, it became quiet.

  "Hello, folks. How are y'all?" The teacher greeted the class. There were several answers from all of the students. Then the class started.

  Since nothing in physics attracted Roger, he decided to pay attention to what makes him, Mr. May, so attractive. He realized that he has this calming voice that soothes anyone. And also a beautiful, young face. His style was on point as well. A black tux with white stripe, and a white shirt underneath with the top 3 buttons unbuttoned, and that really sensual looking thin stringed necklace that showed off  his neck and collar bones so well. But most importantly, he was very nice to everyone. He was always smiling and greeting and caring for every individual.

  Soon, the bell rang. Most of the male classmates rushed out of the classroom bitterly, and most of the girls gave him a hair flip on their way out of the classroom. Some of the bolder girls though, they just straight up flirted with him. Touching his arm, winking at him, giving an unusual compliment. Roger stayed after class, albeit the actions of these girls making him feel disgusted.

  After the whole classroom was free of students except for Roger, the teacher questioned the young boy with the blond hair in front of him, "Do you have a question?"

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