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AU: This one is inspired by the song "KLWKN" by Music Hero. It's a tagalog song, and the correct spelling of the title is actually "kalawakan" which means "space". Yeah, so enjoy~ :)

*Roger's POV*

It was a cool summer night. Brian and I were sitting on the grass, gazing up to the sky. Seeing the shine of the full Moon and a million stars.

I was lying down on his lap, taking in the stunning view that surrounded the both of us. I never knew the night sky could be this astonishing. After years of being so anxious all the time from life, I had never given nature a chance to show me its beauty.

That night, Brian showed me the beauty of the world and that life isn't very miserable.

We were at a party. At Oliver's to be exact. I didn't know when this dude would find parties to be an absolute waste of time. I don't even understand the fun of it.

People crammed up in a house, loud-ass music existing to kill your eardrums, the air filled with 99% of alcohol and cigarette smoke but only 1% of oxygen. Looks you get for walking into people who were making out in the wildest way ever.

Why would Brian think this was a good idea?

We firstly wanted to thank Oliver for inviting us to the party. Well, at least that was what Brian said we should do at every party.

Oliver is one of the popular guys at school. He usually messes around with the people "up to his level", but he also holds parties where anyone from school could come. Brian and I were in the "You guys are huge nerds, but still pretty cool" category. (I made that up, but I sure do feel like it.)

"Hey! Brian and... this little guy. What's your name?"


"And Roger. Thanks for coming!"

I wanted to roll my eyes. Really? "This little guy"? I am about the same height as you, Oliver.

"Well, thanks for inviting us." Brian politely said. I think he could sense that I already don't like the guy that much.

"No problem." Oliver didn't even have his eyes on Brian. "Well, want to grab a drink or two? There are quite a few drinks that are new. Have fun, guys. I am going to greet some of the others now."

"See you later." We both said.

Oliver squeezed past us to get to the couch full of people who were his type of people. They were waving to him, and I was just playing some scenes of what their conversations might be. They'd probably have the driest, and most fake conversations.

"Do you think we should leave?" Yes, please. I didn't want to stay there any longer.

"But... We only got here!"

I showed him a very obvious frown. I wanted him to understand that this place probably wasn't for us. There are more than one way to socialize more!

"How about..." he bit his lip like he might regret saying the next thing he was about to say. "You just stick around the table over there. I really want to party tonight. Can I? I'm sorry you didn't like this at all......"


"What? Really?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll wait for you."

"Thanks Roger!"

He smiled at me before walking past me. He went straight to the dance floor. I thought he didn't like dancing?

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