May We Get Down, Make Love, Doc?

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  *Roger's POV*

  This is what I totally dread happening.
  So, now, I'm on another planet. A weird looking one. The place feels really weird. It is almost fully white, there is a tall building that stands right in front of me. The air is fresh with a tinge of weirdness from I don't know what. Anyways, I really need to find some help, and this building is my only hope.
  God damn it, Freddie! Taking a prank way too far. I didn't agree on making this into a reality. He "accidentally" activated the spaceship that Deaky made while I was on it, just toying with the things he had built on it.
  I have to find help somehow. I tried to brush off the anger by taking in a few deep breaths, thinking about what really matters right now.
  The building was as white as the outside. It is like the inside of a five star hotel but with no receptionist. I continued to walk up the stairs, trying to find a room that has something in it, but finding nothing instead.
  Panic started to hit me as my legs started to become sore from all of the walking. My brain is in the state of exhaustion. I wonder how long I have been here. But too bad, my watch broke after the harsh landing I had earlier.
  Sitting in the middle of the stairs, I felt hopeless. Maybe I will be stranded on this planet forever. Forever. And my final word on Earth will be "shit".
  I didn't want to break down, but I was feeling like crap. Restless and helpless. No one will know where I went missing. I miss my family, friends, and girlfriend. I cannot live on like this all alone!
  Soon, I cried myself to sleep.

  The next thing I know when I woke up, I was in a place which seemed to be a lab. There were computer screens everywhere. Machines I have never seen were all around me. There was even a tube of a kind of creature called "Mayniacs". They look like tsum-tsums with big hair and a human face. They were so cute that they kind of calmed me a bit. Though I had a pretty deep sleep, I was still in a state of being afraid once I was awake.
  Okay, back to business, I thought. I tried to move, but couldn't. I tried moving even harder and still couldn't get out of whatever was restraining me.
  I looked up and down, looking at my wrists and ankles. They were all tied up to a piece of metal that I was lying down on with metal straps. I was in a spread-eagle position.
  "Help!" I yelled out of my own human instincts.
  I struggled against the metal straps, trying to free myself, but to no avail. I didn't want to break down crying again. I searched the room with my eyes, trying to look if there was anything useful I could use to free myself with.
  "Ah, you are awake, human." I heard another voice say.
  A person (At least I thought so.) in a white robe stood in front of me, eyeing me up and down. He got closer to me and put up one finger against my lips.
  "Shh..." He said. "It's all going to be fine."
  "What is going to be fine?!" I shouted. "I was sleeping on the stairs! Then I woke up finding myself trapped in a weird position. How do you think I am going to-"
  "Will you shut up for a moment?" He said sternly.
  I dared not to move or even make a sound. Imagining what he would do to me if I don't obey him. What if he was going to use these machines and torture me and kill me and dismember me?
  "It's just that... there aren't many people that come here." He said. "See, I am a very lonely scientist living on this weird-ass planet. I make these machines that no one will ever see. Space is amazing, but it could be a lonely place."
  Damn, and I thought that I was lonely. This dude must've felt so lonely for years. No one to talk to or even to be around with. Plus, not even having your works known or appreciated. That must've sucked.
  "Well," he continued, "now that I have company here, I am not letting go of that chance that easily. Let's get to know each other!" He clasped his hands together. "What's your name?"
  "Roger." I immediately answered. He may not be such a bad guy after all.
  "I'm Brian." He said.
  He sighed and kept on staring at me. I had no idea what he wanted to do with me, but I was pretty sure that he wouldn't want to kill me off and call it a scientific experiment.
  "Well," he said,"I suppose that we shouldn't waste any more time."
  He stood up, walking to I-didn't-know-where. I extended my neck like a giraffe, trying to check out what he was up to.
  He took his time really well that moment, my impatient nature started to rise up. Just when I was about to shout out to him, he came back with a weird-ass looking machine.
  It was a hand-sized pink machine, brightening up in the room with its color. My curiosity got to me that I forgot that I was the thing he was going to experiment on.
  "What is this?" I asked.
  "This is called the 'Please Please Me'. I have always wanted to use this, but no chances came." He coughed. "Now, will you please excuse me."
  In a second, all of my clothing worn on the lower body came off, leaving me completely exposed to him. I wanted to shrink up and hide my body, but I just remembered that I was straddled onto a piece of metal.
  "Hey!" I shouted out of anger. "Are you fucking with me?" I struggled against the restraints. This is not good.
  "I will in a minute." He said while smirking.
  Why was I so naive to think that he was someone so lonely and just needed some companionship? Damn my innocence!
  "Relax, Roger. You are not going to die."
  "But I might not have any kids in the future, you fool. I need this!"
  "Relax, you are so tensed up."
  He started to massage my shoulders, kneading them in circles. He was so close to me I could feel his breath on my cheek, which was again stained with tears. I couldn't help it, I felt humiliated. Naked and tattered up on the inside. I wonder whether or not there will be another chance of living on Earth or is this the end. I'm going to either die as an experimental thing or be trapped by this crazy scientist here, in empty space.
  "I don't wanna die..." I whispered out through my sobs.
  "Sh... you are okay... just take a few deep breaths."
I tried to take the advice. Just breath in and out, Roger, you can do this. I finally got calmer, enough to open my eyes and at least say something, but I still felt like crap.
  We were then facing each other. Really close. With just him looking at me while I had to look at the ground. I don't like being watched crying.
  "You're so cute." He whispered. And before I knew it, he took me by the chin and kissed me on the lips, thoroughly tasting every inch of my lips.
  It was very surprising to me. It was my first kiss with a male, a stranger, a person that might not even be human. His lips were harder and colder than a girl's lips, also way thinner. His fingers were especially boney and so strong at the same time.
I oddly liked the kiss, it was really eccentric and new to me. I felt the same thing that happened with my first kiss. Butterflies in my stomach, time stopping just for you, and there was nothing else except yourself and the person you were sharing the moment with. Just melting within the moment.
  That is literally what had happened. I melted right on the spot. My legs were jelly, and my brain was filled with nothing but knowing that I wanted more. I needed to be controlled by someone. I felt like I didn't have a brain of my own anymore.

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