Family Dinner

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*Brian’s POV*

  “Kids! Time for dinner!”

  Freddie and John ran to the dinner table with smiles on their faces. They must have been very hungry waiting for the meals to be served. 

  Both of them sat down, next to each other. While they were playing, I noticed that Roger, my lovely husband, hadn't arrived yet. 

  “Babe, dinner’s ready!” I yelled. Still, there was no answer. 

  I found it a bit odd and so did the kids. It was not like him to be missing any meals. He sometimes would even arrive earlier than the kids. 

  “Daddy Bri, where is Daddy Rog?” Freddie asked while trying to fight off John’s little fists.

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. Well, I guess we could start without him.”

  I pulled a seat, sat down, and felt a hand touching my leg. I got a little frightened but thought that it probably was just Freddie or John. But, nope. They were both munching down the food on their plates. And that hand didn’t feel like a kid’s hand.

  I pretended to drop my fork. When I was picking it up, I lifted the tablecloth a little bit, coming face to face with someone with big blue eyes.

  “Babe?! What are you doing here?!” I whisper-screamed. I looked up at the kids to make sure they didn’t find me odd.

  He placed a hand on my thigh and started to rub. “I just… think that you work so hard for our family all day long, it’s time for you to relax.” 

  I pursed my lips. I realized how long we haven't had sexual activities lately. No, not even a five-minute make out session. We were always working, passing out, working, passing out, for the past few weeks. But as much as I wanted it, we were in front of our kids!

  “Rog, our underaged kids are here. We can pick another time. Okay? Just come on and join us for dinner.”

  “No way. Not when you also want it, too.” He winked. Damn it. He was making me want it so badly. With his eyes looking like that and with his hand caressing my thigh.

  I bit my lip, knowing this was a bad idea. But living dangerously sometimes could be fun, I guess. “Just don’t make this too loud and don’t go too hard.”

  “OK. Daddy.”

  Fuck… He knows how much I love it when he calls me that.

  I went back to eating my dinner while feeling what Roger was doing to me under the table. His hands roamed around my thighs, but not going straight to the point.

  I had a hard-on and it was starting to get uncomfortable in these pants that suddenly became too tight. I opened up my legs trying to ease the discomfort. 

  Just when I did that, he placed a hand on my clothed cock and I was trying my best not to make a face or sound. I could feel him pulling down the zipper. To not get too excited about it, I decided to distract myself a little bit by engaging in a conversation with my kids.

  “How does it taste?” I asked both of them with my hands kind of covering my mouth. My cock had just popped out from my underwear.

  “It tastes… What's that word I learned today? Marvelous!”

  “Awesome, Freddie. What do you think, John?”

  “It tastes good! But I like cheese on toast better.”

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