"She's my aunt... I sent her away for her safety but now it's imperative she comes back"

"Oh yes... you need her help and the helps of those she protects in this upcoming battle."

They look confused that she knows but she simply smiles politely back at them.

"Yes... will you help by removing the block" Harry questions

"You must first prove your worth... if you can find the answers I seek, I shall give you the answers you need"

They stare in confusion before she continues "I am something people love or hate. I change peoples appearances and thoughts. If a person takes care of them self I will go up even higher. To some people I will fool them. To others I am a mystery. Some people might want to try and hide me but I will show. No matter how hard people try I will Never go down. What am I?"

There's silence as they all listen to her words, while Athena groans. She should have expected something like this witches love to play, loved riddles and bargains. There's more she wants then just some answers to riddles. But what?

Louis stands thinking the words over and over frowning in confusion

It's Age

How did you get that so quickly?

Because I'm smart- duh

"It's age. It changes peoples appearances. It will never go down and if people look after themselves it will go up"

Aphrodite smiles, her eyes twinkling. "Well done my child. Only one color, but not one size,
Stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies.
Present in sun, but not in rain,
Doing no harm, and feeling no pain.
What is it?"

Athena squints her eyes at the woman stood before her, watching as her eyes linger in Louis. When Louis had answered her riddle her eyes shone. She continues to stare trying to figure out what's happening.

Lou... I have a bad feeling

What do you mean?

When you answered that riddle... when she looked at us... I felt like she was looking at me... she wants something Lou.... we cannot answer these riddles

What are you on about? If you know the answer we have to... we need this Ares.

No.... she... she's up to something...

Louis frowns as he feels his wolf completely recoil and hide within the darkest part of him. As he makes eye contact with the woman, he sees she's frowning, looking almost upset.

Athena watches the interaction before she looks to the ground, admiring briefly how her and Lumi's shadows stand together. She gasps.

"It's shadows" it's all she offers and she watches the woman frown before smiling

"Yes... well done. Last one... It can't be seen, can't be felt, can't be heard, and can't be smelt. It lies behind stars and under hills, And empty holes it fills. It comes first and follows after, Ends life, and kills laughter. What is it?"

"The dark" Harry and Lumi instantly respond before they look at each other with a secret smile. Harry's father had always spoken this riddle about darkness... they never knew why but they always listened

"Wow... I'm impressed young ones... okay I will allow your message to pass through to your aunt but I want something in return. I have protected your aunt for years as she saved my mate and I will always continue to do so. I feel I must have something of equal value for letting this message to pass my barriers"

"What is it you want?" Lumi questions, Athena watches her eyes flicker to Louis and that's when it dawns on her

"No:.. you can't" Athena protests before the woman says a word

Everyone looks confused other than the woman who smiles gently and looks towards Louis "I want wisdom, protection, warrior and loyalty. I want your wolf, Louis"

Louis gasps feeling his wolf's panic as he reaches forward shouting his rejection inside his mind.

"No" he voice is firm "I will never give my wolf to anyone... he has protected me and remained loyal for years. He gave me wisdom I never would have. He's been a true warrior in my darkest moments, even in the years I never understood what he was. I have promised the same in return. He's owed my loyalty, protection. Everything I know he can have. It is time I be his warrior, if I have to protect him from you I will. If we have to find another way we will because I will never leave my wolf, especially when he has never left me"

The woman's eyes fill with tears as she claps excitedly. "Well done my young child, you've past the test. In this world wolves are gifted to those who truly deserve them, sometimes people stray from their path and it's difficult to watch. You my child have always remained firmly on your path because of the wolf you have.... I am so pleased you show him the same loyalty he shows you." She steps away from Louis, finally fully releasing their bodies from being stuck in the place they stood.

"I shall let your message pass and allow open communication between yourselves and your aunt. Be warned there are dark times ahead and you will all face a dark heart wrenching challenge, it is then the most imperative that you stay together and do not stray from this path. Do not stray into the path of misery and coldness. Stay loved and continue to fight together, you'll surely win every battle together."

Before they could say anything there's a glow shining from the woman's hand. A small crystal appears and she hands it over to Athena.

"Use this to communicate with Louis' aunt, Athena you can draw on this same Crystal for strength and white power, use it for protection and healing.... do not use it for death and destruction... if you do you risk the lives of all those around you. This is a powerful Crystal but I trust you'll use it wisely."

Athena nods a quick shaky nod clasping the Crystal in her hand tightly.

"Be safe my children... I'll be watching" with that said the woman disappears and so to does the homey cabin.

Everyone gasps as they look around and back to each other. No one knows what to say as they begin their journey back home.

Nightfall Bond. L.SWhere stories live. Discover now