Chapter 37: A look back at Yinzi's whereabouts

Start from the beginning

With Bai HanQi, he knows everything about his son and his plan with Gu WeiTing. He plays well as an innocent father waiting for his son to come back, well in fact Bai LouYin and him has a connection since the day he left the Bai residence though Bai HanQi felt guilty he went to the extent of lying too to test his future son-in-law's loyalty and faithfulness to his beloved Yinzi.

During the time that grandpa Bai and grandma Bai died, Bai LouYin cannot come back because the Jiang Group got a problem with one of their biggest investment in one of their business. Bai LouYin just visited the grave of his beloved ones after that which Gu Hai did not witness.

YuChang also found where Yinzi is through YangMeng since they are best of friends but kept it secret from Gu Hai too. Every one keep it from Gu Hai including Si Hu who eventually found out about Bai LouYin from YuChang.

******Going back to Gu Hai and Bai LouYin inside the latter's office.

Gu Hai cannot believe how Yinzi did everything for him. But Bai LouYin was caught off guard when Gu Hai asked him what really happened within the three years he is not around.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?" Bai LouYin asks after Gu Hai give him a make face after knowing everything.

"YESS! You fooled me like a kid... and with everyone around me. You conspire with them to make a fool of me. Isn't that too cruel of you baobei?"

"But look what you did?" Bai LouYin pouts his lips.

"What? I didn't do anything. What I have done wrong?" Gu Hai asks.

"We could have announced about us to the world during the gala but you messed up by leaving that night."

"But you leave first. I just went out to look for you." Gu Hai replied.

"Yaaaah!!" Bai LouYin throw a punch on Gu Hai's leg. "I just went to the comfort room and when I came back of the party, Uncle Gu told me you left already."

"Wahahahahh!!!" They both end up laughing on their foolishness.


Everyone felt relieved after the issue settled down. Gu Hai and Bai LouYin felt happy since the bottom line of it all is for both of them to be together.

In the evening, they found themselves dining with the Gus and the Bais. Both families gathered together for a dinner. It is the long-awaited meeting for the families. In the long dining table, YangMeng with YouQi is also present as well as YuChang and Si Hu and a few relatives of the families.

"I am happy that because of our sons our family became bigger. I never expected that it will turn out this way if I'm going to base it from my first meeting with Yinzi." Gu WeiTing happily tells everyone. "It's so fool of me to think that I can dictate which one fits for my son. If not for Yinzi making me realize about love, then I could have put my son into despair forever." He smiles at Yinzi.

Bai LouYin smiles back at Gu WeiTing and to the matriarch of the Gu family.

Gu Hai held Yinzi's hand under the table. He felt proud for himself for not giving up his love for Bai LouYin, and felt more proud to his baobei for making a compromise just to have him.

"I'm so happy too that my beloved son found someone who truly loves him. I always like Gu Hai since the time I met him when he brought my son home and did not lie to me when I asked him if he is the culprit behind the hickey on my son's neck."



"Wahahahah!!" Everyone laughs on Bai HanQi's humor.

"I've heard after that incident you didn't allow my son to sleep beside your son only if they'll be officially together. Is that true?" Gu WeiTing asks to Bai HanQi.

"Yeahh!! Hahaha!! You cannot believe how childish they are, sleeping together and giving hickeys but not even in a relationship." Bai HanQi replied.

"Wahahahhah!!" Everyone's laughter fills the whole dining area the way Bai HanQi tell everyone Gu Hai and Yinzi's past.

When the dinner ended, Bai LouYin and Gu Hai bid their goodbye's to everyone.

"Gu Hai..." Bai HanQi calls Gu Hai.

Gu Hai turn his body around after hearing his name. "Yes uncle??"

"Start calling me Pa too."

Though a little shy Gu Hai is happy hearing Bai HanQi telling him to call the older man Pa. "Thank you Pa."

"You're my son too you know that. Be careful in driving back home. You know my son is with you."

"Yes Pa... I'll be extra careful while driving."

Bai HanQi went closer to give him a hug.

As they are about to leave, Gu Hai's phone starts vibrating and when he checks, he saw notifications from YouQi and YangMeng... a bunch of Yinzi's hot picture only wearing swimwear or his underwear only. Gu Hai looks for the two idiots and gave them a whooping thumbs-up with a wide smile. 




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