Chapter 36: Uncle... dad, real quick

Start from the beginning


"You... taking over my dad's company and taking control of what I have to do with my company."

"Please babe.. don't get angry with me. I did all these for both of us. I want us to be together without someone controlling us."

"But you're controlling me now and it's making me crazy Yinzi." His voice is getting loud.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry babe. I just want to give you what I want to give you. Remember the time you helped me in my deepest time, I'm only paying what I owe you." Bai LouYin walks closer to Gu Hai and kneel down to Gu Hai holding Gu Hai's hand. "I'm sorry that I did it this way. Don't worry I will withdraw everything if you want me to. I don't want to disappoint you. Please forgive me babe. Sorry babe."

Gu Hai felt how Bai LouYin ready to give everything he have to be with him and felt sorry too. "No, no.. no need baobei." Gu Hai picks Bai LouYin from his kneeling position and make him sit beside him while he is holding Yinzi's hands. "I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to say it. Maybe I just get surprise on what you did. I'm sorry too babe." He pecks on Yinzi's forehead and hugs him tight. Bai LouYin and Gu Hai closes their eyes feeling each other's presence.

Jiang Yuan heard that Gu Hai came so she went to Bai LouYin's office but what she witnessed stopped her from coming inside of the office. She saw how Gu Hai hugs her son which seems they just got from a fight (a/n: AHHH! I can't get the right term.) and now consoling each other. He closed the door and went back to her office.


Jiang Yuan helped Bai LouYin to acquire a huge percentage of share at GW Company but they end up buying almost majority of the shares of the whole group. They also acquired majority of shares from Gu Hai's company which Bai LouYin named after the two of them and still makes Gu Hai as the president of his own company. In the end, Gu Hai became the major shareholder of the GW Group merging with the Jiang Group of Company where Bai LouYin is the major shareholder. So basically the two big companies are owned by Gu Hai and Bai LouYin.

Gu WeiTing ends up giving all his shares to Gu Hai. When Bai LouYin came to Gu WeiTing, they talk like a businessman with Gu Hai as their bargaining chip.

"Thank you uncle." Bai LouYin utters.

"Call me dad from now on since you and Gu Hai will be getting married soon." Gu WeiTing stands up and hugs Yinzi tight. "I can't wait to see you bringing little Yinzi and little Gu Hai soon."

"Hehe! Soon... uncle."

"oops! What did I tell you?"

"Haha!! Soon... dad."

******Feeling dumb too?

Lemme explain it to you what really happened between Bai LouYin and Gu WeiTing..... but that will be for the next update. Hehe... love yah sweeties.

belated happy birthday to the hottest guy we love 😍😍😍

*************belated happy birthday to the hottest guy we love 😍😍😍

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