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Lars lay, sprawled out on the couch; his girlfriend sleeping peacefully on his chest. He flipped through the channels as they lazed about-- and man, there really was nothing  on daytime television. He'd sigh before stopping on some public access show. At least he could nap alongside her. He fixed his gaze to the man painting on the screen. 

"Now something really interesting about red and green is that the colors complement each other." 

Lars's thoughts drifted to Sadie's green locks, and his complexion-- albeit a little less saturated than the vibrant red being layered onto the canvas. He listened to the man keep talking.

 "They're on opposite sides of the color wheel... and placing these colors near each other brings out the most contrast... but it makes the painting seem a bit more alive, almost makes the colors dance..." the man droned on in his smooth voice. Lars smiled a bit and tightened the arm slung over Sadie's waist as his eyes grew heavier. 

She truly was his complement.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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