Updates/Authors Note (11/28/2020)

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Hello everyone!

I haven't been on Wattpad in quite a few years, and upon coming to see what had happened to my beloved account, I was very surprised and pleased to see that you guys enjoyed this drabble series as much as you did! It was one of my favorite projects, and as such, I figured that I might continue this! 

Onto this fanfic as it relates to canon: I have a deep respect for canon in any fandom that I'm in, as I feel that creators always have a specific way they want a story to be told. Therefore, anything in this fanfic that progresses past the point where Lars and Sadie seperate in SU:F is to be taken in the context of an alternate universe! Of course, this fanfic is for the majority apart from the canon anyways, but I figured I should leave this disclaimer just in case anyone were to be upset with how my writing progresses. 

That being said, I'm not sure how much further I'll progress with this fic, but I hope to get quite a bit further than I'm leading myself to think. To new chapters!


Donut Dork Drabbles (Larsadie Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now