Chapter 2

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Okie dokie lets begin the story
Izuku pov

I was being dragged to the basement. I didn't know what to do or expect. Sometimes father would take mommy to the basement.

He always said that it wasn't my turn yet, but i never understood what he ment. Now i do.

I got thrown to the basement floor. I tried to get up but was met by a harsh kick to the ribs. My fa-master started screaming at me while he lifted me up by my hair.

"Stay here piece of shit, I'll be back in a minute. You'd better not move or els." The last part he said with smoke coming out of his mouth.

I was scared I didn't dare to move. Knowing that if i did i would probably get burned or badly hurt.

A few minutes later he returned with some knives from all sizes. I started to cry and shake rapidly, thinking about what he would do to me.
He started to cut small but half-deep cuts in my arms and legs. While he did it all he was talking about how it was my fault hes this way and that its my fault mommy gets hurt. He started powering up his quirk.

I knew he was gonna burn me. And he did. He started by burning my legs. At this point i was screaming like crazy. I mean what do you expect when your body is being burned.

After what felt like an eternity which was actually just around 45 minutes. He finally left. I was left in the basement to bleed and cry. I was left there for what i think was about 1 and a half day, the basement door opened. I quickly crawled out and ran to my room. Well i mean i tried to run. I fell about 7 times just trying to get to my room.

Time skip brought to you by my sister calling me a bish.
Izuku is now 6 and a half

I was sitting in my room staring at my wall. The past months i kept on getting even more hurt than usual.
I got snapped out of my thought by a loud blood-curdling scream. I immediately recognized it as my moms. I quickly ran down stairs. "Mommy what wro-" i stopped mid sentence to see my mothers motionless body laying on the floor in a puddle of her own blood.

I started running to mommy, not looking at my surroundings. If i did I might've seen my fa-master standing there with a big grin an his face and a knife in his hands. He came running at me with top speed.
Last thing I remember was crying over mommy's body and then i was suddenly in the basement. My hands and feet were chained to a medium sized bed tho it looked very cheap and thin.

I looked up to the sound of the basement door opening and closing. When i looked up I saw my father, or should I just say master. He started walking up to me.

"Well, your finally awake i see. Now the real fun can begin."

"I-I'm s-sorry m-mas-ster. P-Please f-forgiv-ve m-me." I said while stuttering much to my 'luck'.

"Stop stuttering you bitch! Its disgusting!" My father screamed.

My father walked closer to me with smoke coming out of his mouth. He walked towards the bed and started unbuckeling my pants.

Okay that was it for now. I hope ur enjoying! Word count: 587
I do the word count minus the underlined words.

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