Bokuto Koutaro

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Nationals were around the corner and second year (name) was getting mentored by her dearest managers.

"Now listen (name), when we go to the stadium you must stay close to one of us all the time or stay close to one of the players" Yukie says giving (name) a hair tie.

The three girls were sitting in the corner of the gym, while the boys were warming up for practice.

"When the boys play, stay by the scoreboard so we can see you. We don't want to lose you. Unfortunately, there are disgusting people who manage to get inside the building and will try to do things they shouldn't" Kaori adds on. (Name) nodded and wrote it down in her notepad.

The girls continued to give (name) advice and more prepping for the upcoming tournament.

After the boys were done stretching, Bokuto and (name) made eye contact. She blushes and the captain waves at her showing her a toothy grin.

"You know he's not going to stay in highschool forever, you should tell him how you feel," Yukie announces and (name)'s heart jumps.

During the whole school year, the other managers and (name) became a lot closer. It came to the point where (name) was comfortable enough to tell them she has a huge crush on the captain.

After her confession, they patted her on the back and supported her. They even helped her get alone time with Bokuto as much as they can. From partnering them for the school courage test to ditching them in the summer festival for a while. (Name) was thankful for their side hustle that even with obvious hints, Bokuto was still oblivious of (name)'s feelings. The second year even wondered how she got herself involved with the team in the first and have a huge crush on Bokuto.

At the beginning of the volleyball season, coach Takeyuki ordered the girls to find a new manager for the team since the two were finally in their last year of highschool. They were welcome to bring two managers again but Yukie and Kaori decided on one when they met (name).

In fact, Akaashi was the one to recommend (name) since he's in the same class with her. He told the girls how (name) was looking for a change of pace and the managers happily gave the girl a chance.

It's rare for Akaashi to speak so kindly about a girl other than his managers, it even convinced them enough to just add her on the spot.

One day during their lunch break, they entered the classroom, Akaashi noticed them and carefully pointed at the girl with low (colored hair) pigtails who had her eyes glued to a book. Akaashi got up and waved to the girls goodbye. Both of them figured he would be going to Bokuto since they are best friends.

As Akaashi left, Yukie and Kaori approached the girl "Hello, are you (last name) (first name)?" Yukie warmly asks. The girl looks up at the third year students and raises her eyebrows at the surprised visit. (Name) adjusts her reading glasses and puts down her book, "yes I am, may I ask who you are?" Her flushed cheeks were seen and the girls found it cute.

"Yep! I'm Yukie and that's Kaori," Yukie points at her fellow ponytail friend, "Akaashi told us you were looking for a change and we wanted to help you with that" Yuki grins. (Name) adjusts her glasses and tilts her head wondering why Akaashi would do such a thing.

"we were wondering if you would like to join the volleyball club and be the next manager." Yukie finishes. This took (name) by surprise, when she said she wanted to do things differently, she didn't expect this at all.

"O-oh umm... I'm not sure" the second year scratches her head.

"You don't have to make your decision right away, how about this" Kaori gets ahold of (name)'s hands, "you come to the gym for a whole week and you tell us if you would like to join or not."

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