Shinsuke Kita

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(Name) and Kita have been together for about six  years now. They met each other at Inarizaki high school when the volleyball club was in need of a manager.

The coach made Aran and Kita in charge of finding a student that is suited for the job. Soon after, both players met a certain student who would exceed everyone's expectations. It was none other than their former classmate (last name) (first name).

Everyone in the team was fond of  (name).  What wasn't there to like about her? She was kind, supportive, beautiful, gentle, the players can go on and on about how amazing their manager was.

(Name) wasn't big on high energy but would give enough to boost many players' self esteem. The Inarizaki team were proud to show off their gorgeous manager, especially when the opponent would gawk at her figure.

Most of the time, Atsumu would show her off and resulting in her being embarrassed. The blonde twin was intrigued by her that some could say he had a massive crush on her. Others from the school even suspect (name) might have even felt the same towards Atsumu.

However, the assumptions were wrong about (name). The girl actually had the biggest crush on Shinsuke Kita.

The first time Kita caught her eyes was when he would put small efforts in things others won't notice. From buying new materials for the first aid bag to being the last one in the gym making sure everything is put away.  In her eyes, that was an independent man that knows what he's doing with his life.

(Name) adored his hard work and how much he cared for others,  he is also the ideal guy for many girls in and outside of school.

During their school hours, Kita would be in the hallways receiving a love letter from a random girl.

These situations happened almost too frequently making (name) anxious that maybe out of all these confessions, there would be a probability of Kita accepting someone's feelings.

One day during lunch, Kita was pulled out from the group he was eating with and went to privately talk to a girl once again. (Name) kept staring until the second year was was out of sight, she sighed and closed her eyes for a second in hopes of the silver haired boy rejecting the girl.

"Why don't you just ask him out?" Aran blurts out, (name) shot her eyes wide open and looked at the wing spiker

"How did you know?..." she grasped her chopsticks

"I have my ways," he smiles calmly, "you should tell him how you feel."

"But he only sees me as a friend, I think he would rather focus on school and volleyball plus he's going to be captain next year. Most importantly, I don't want to ruin our friendship" she tucks her hair. (Name) smiles sadly setting her chopsticks down wishing it could be that easy for Kita to accept her feelings.

"You know Kita enjoys your company right? You wouldn't distract him or anything like that" Osamu says, "you got this guy hypnotized for you. He may not be obvious as this idiot here, but you can tell whenever he talks to you, he just enjoys a bit more than everyone else here."

"Hey! What the hell Samu!?" Atsumu pouted and shoved rice in his mouth

"See? You should do it right now" Aran said

"N-now?"  She raised her eyebrows

"Yes now, we don't have a lot of time so go" he chuckled

"What are you still doing here!? Go! You're wasting time" Akagi pushed (name) off the concrete bench

"Okay, Okay. I'll be going now" she tries to put away her lunch but Akagi told her he would take care of it. (Name) thanked him and went to go look for Kita.

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